Thinking that: – The only thing that exists is the person you are .- We can do better the more information tengamos.2. Looking at the other person to: – Know what you are saying .- Learn how you are feeling .- Knowing when you want to just finish our escuchar.3 role. With gestures and body: – With an active stance Mirandola .- .- With a gesture of eatencionu .- encouraging him to speak and nodding, taking notes if necessary …- Using a tone and voice volume appropriate. 4. In words: – encouraging: Eya veou, Euh, uhu, etc. Using expressions Summary .- ESI I have not misunderstood … u, etc.5.
Avoiding do some things while listening: – Do not interrupt, do not judge, do not offer help or premature solutions .- Do not reject what another person is feeling, saying things like Eno or ecalmau preocupesu you do not have Etu historiau while the other person needs to talk. – No counter-arguments, for example, say you feel malu and respond Eme tambienu Eyo. Avoid the expertou esindrome .- Structure: It is a skill that you can use the educator to take when driving communication exists between the educator and the immigrant. It consists of interventions aimed at maintaining order and direction in a conversation to reach specific targets depending on the timing, managing the flow and intensity of communication to alleviate a conflict .- Using emensajes you: It's a message that is sent first person that defines the origin of personal feelings that they feel (I feel malu Eyo) and the views held (eopino that …