Use it as often as possible! At viewing images on a home computer will choose the most stupid, funniest, most awkward picture with your image on it, but a prerequisite here is your … SMILE! In no case do not use photos where you frown at the business suit sitting and pace yourself at work just laugh and positive! After all, the photos – people have already decided this issue … Component # 2. Welcome Audio Message ========== Once your visitors realize that you – an ordinary man, is to invite him to listen to you with an audio button Tell us briefly about the proposal to your site . Suggest a person familiar with the content and try something that’s free, for example, to subscribe for and be sure that after listening to the people already can not simply move the mouse cursor on the X in the upper right corner of the screen and click on his solution: go to my site and subscribe to our newsletter, “Effective use of multimedia on the Internet!” As a bonus for subscribing you will receive a video tutorial of my performance on how to create and place audio button on the website links to download video tutorial program and Impact Web Audio will come to your e-mail immediately after you successfully subscribe Component # 3. Personal Audio Warranty Go ahead. A visitor to your site already had a great desire to buy your product, but … The best remedy for the possible appearance of distrust and skepticism is the different manifestations of the audio button on your warranty, it is recorded in your voice Only your sincerity, just your good intentions should be felt when listening to personal audio-warranty! Solution: check the number of commercial mini-sites, namely a block of personal guarantees.