Month: June 2014

Proximity App

Users can now also coming established and new grades learn about shokomonk news on the display from the obtain, vote for the own favorite varieties and dust even a free discount code, which can be redeemed in the online shop. The chocolate app is now available: the on shokomonk.die QR code with your Smartphone scan in, then the app in the mobile browser bookmarks set ready. Expected to be in the fifth calendar week in 2013, the program is programmed for iPhone and iPod touch, Android and HP Palm webOS in popular online shops like the iTunes app store or Google’s play to download available. In addition to the creation and production of chocolate bars, our focus is clearly on the Proximity to our customers and fans”, so Kai Schauer, Managing Director of shokocrown GmbH. our aim is always to inform them in a beautiful look and with possible benefits quickly and easily.

To develop its own app, it is only logical. We are together even closer.” About shokocrown GmbH shokocrown GmbH produces and distributes since 2006 high-quality chocolate. In addition to chocolate and sugar-coated tablets, the chocolate bar shokomonk is the most important product of the young company from Bonn. The basic assortment consists of 25 chocolate and is complemented by four summer and Christmas varieties. In addition, there are special editions that McDonald’s Kinderhilfe was supported the Aidshilfe Cologne and Cologne Youth Park. Also, the shokocrown GmbH must build on support for international, prominent friends. So, flavoured by Ross Antony was launched in the fall of 2012 the star bar. The product range of the bolt was several times with DLG-gold and the NRW State Prize for food awarded.


The ever-growing range of products leaves the mobile subscribers often confused. Thing to note is when a cell phone contract and of which you should better keep their hands. Send often and long phone calls or mobile surfing the Web SMS, without having to look always on the clock, every day, without having to count: who don’t want it? Consider much this way first on mobile flat rates, which cover everything. There are many flat rates for calls, SMS and mobile Internet. Indeed, there is no shortage of offers. But to keep the overview in this ever growing confusing, is not easy. It much easier already.

Ten years ago every single minute extra cost. Talks were more expensive than at night on the day, they paid up to 29 cents for an SMS, surfing was it billed per megabyte fortunately gone. Especially since the beginning of the age of Smartphone unlimited Internet access seems an ever-increasing role a mobile Flatrate essential, because occupies. Meanwhile, almost every German has a mobile phone. Some things have changed in the history of mobile phones it: today, these are no longer just to make phone calls or texting used; the mobile Internet has become commonplace.

In the German mobile market, many vendors advertise potential customers with falling tariff rates and additional services. Who would like to use your own cell phone but efficiently, should be noted some crucial points before conclusion of the contract. Especially the personal usage patterns should be this decisive: there are, for example, tariffs, which are particularly suitable for customers, who make calls much, but hardly SMS write or surf. Then there is pricing models, which are more suited for infrequent callers, which spend much time on the Internet in the first place. Also it appears no matter whether there is a minimum contract period. In many Anbeitern, this is usually 24 months. As an alternative, there are also packages monthly default. There are time such offerings e.g. at Simyo, o2 and base. “Also, it is important to note that supposedly affordable flat rates in some cases no real” flatrates represent, if they offer only the service to make calls to landlines, as well as in its own network free. Thus, high extra costs would occur as soon as one on the phone to other networks. Here caution is so! Basically, it is also to note that users should only a few times a month, her cell phone use ambience, refrain from the acquisition of a too comprehensive flat rate. Here a prepaid rates in question will come more under circumstances. For people who very often take advantage of the mobile phone and also likes to surf the mobile Internet, the acquisition of a mobile flat rate seems sense, because thus money save.

Samsung Telecommunications America

NAND memory of 256 MB, 64 MB SDRAM (for running applications), 160 MB flash memory for cell phone plans storage (messages, ringtones, pictures, video clips, calendar a variety of cellular plans notes, to-do list, applications, etc. .)
Expandable memory: memory card slot up to 4GB microSDHC, and after the software update to version supports a size of 16 GB. (Including a 1GB microSD card)
Beginning with the version 20.0.015 firmware is you get a free cell phone when you join any of the plans implemented swap (swap), using plans the Flash memory provides more lots of plans free space in offers all the service providers’ plans the SDRAM, thus improving application performance.

Business plan chooser Wire via Yahoo! Finance
DALLAS —- In its ongoing efforts to educate consumers to the largest selection of wireless handsets for low-cost unlimited service, MetroPCS Communications, Inc., the nation’s largest supplier of flat-rate unlimited wireless communications and Samsung Telecommunications America, a leading distributor of mobile phone in the U.S., today announced the Samsung Hue.
LONDON, UK: Vodafone, the world’s largest mobile operator by revenue, plans for an online store to sell mobile games, news and travel applications that customers can use each plans include phone.
Detroit – , NJ, and DALLAS Verizon Wireless and Samsung Telecommunications America (Samsung Mobile) 1 announced the availability of the Samsung Alias 2, the following cell phone plan chooser generation dual-hinge phone cellular phones messaging with the ease of an E Ink transform keyboard in a unique flip-style format.

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Construction Fashion

Several years ago, the wooden box to give is one indicator of the consistency of their owner, such as expensive car or a vacation to the fashionable resort. Since then much has changed – almost sunk into oblivion the phrase 'the standard renovation, where the row indispensable means' the presence of plastic glass. " Now more and more often hear about an individual decision of interior design, part of which is a window, but wooden box …. This new product quickly caught on in the Russian market, and we can tell, has become one of the most functional, fashionable and popular … interior. In addition, modern technology and equipment allow the creation of wooden structures, which are integrity, thermal insulation, noise protection, and other characteristics superior to products made of PVC profiles.

By the undeniable benefits of modern wooden windows with Fiberglass include: ecological purity of the material, frost and all of the same high levels of sound – and the insulation. In addition, the tree – it's beautiful. And prestige. Europe, for example, at the moment booming timber windows. In Germany, market research showed that 70% of those who in the past has chosen and installed in their homes, wooden windows from the manufacturer, is now thinking about replacing them wood.

In our country, the popularity of wooden windows and picking up speed. Just a few years in Russia and created this booming new industry. However, due to the fact that the fashion for wooden windows Fiberglass comes to us from abroad, if desired, and today you can find imported products, mostly imported from Finland and Germany.