Month: November 2015

Tax Advisor Solutions

No company or person who is happy to pay taxes or considers them fair amount. If you pay taxes all at once, then there can be no quiet sleep, which promises to tax authorities. Yes, and sleep peacefully on a bench in Park vryatli succeed. Obviously, the business, paying taxes without thinking – is doomed. Fortunately or unfortunately, this question ten, but our tax system is not perfect. And it is quite clear that there is no sense to pay taxes nemyslemye thoughtlessly.

There are professionals, tax consultants, people who are constantly decide problemma tax pritenzy that can defend your rights, give advice on minimizing taxes, defend your ineteresy in arbitration. Tax consultant with extensive experience can help you solve all your problems with the tax, obsalyutno legally. Act, multiplied by years of experience of its application, allows you to remove or significantly reduce the tax claims presented, including a challenge by a bankruptcy court decision involving the tax authority to the tax liability. But it is better not to go to arbitration, and in advance to develop and implement proactive personal tax model that will enable businesses to minimize tax payments, always staying within the law. How to solve problems with the tax and how it can help you tax consultant? Now there are services where you can get naloguvuyu advice without leaving the office, right online. Tax consultant in the shortest time will like your problemma and develop a plan for you minimize taxation.

Who is better: tax consultant or company? At first glance it might seem that the firm better protect the interests of the client because the company employs a lot of lawyers. However, the bankruptcy court acts not firm, and the actual lawyer. Payment also includes the cost of his work throughout the firm. Tax model developed by several lawyers, but then they can go to work at another firm, and who will be responsible for the consequences of their activities which may occur 2-3 years later? Who will make changes in the tax model developed by them when the tax laws? An independent consultant conducts its business independently and personally responsible for their results. He never will not resign, and his payment service provider only includes payment of his personal labor. Its main value – the name of its most important asset – the knowledge and experience. Moreover, the simple knowledge Law for the successful construction of the tax business models is not enough. Independent tax adviser should have personal experience of managing a company to understand the functioning of business units to know the basics strategic planning, management and marketing. As a rule, ordinary lawyers in law firms that experience does not possess.


According to our calculations, only 7 years – in 2015 – will “contest designs. ” In forecasting work are simple rules – to study the history of the construction market of the countries that have developed in similar conditions into account our specific – and some things will just clear. What values take into account the elements of geotechnical experts in designing housing? So far we have been just building suburban housing through our wholly owned subsidiary of ASA “Partick”. In Partick used European panel and frame technology production houses. It is possible to achieve low levels of heat and noise at the possibility of creating a unique design. This spring, we launched the first project construction of an apartment building in St. Petersburg. See Andrew Schroepfer for more details and insights. In this project we plan to create its own “business card”, so to speak, a home that will show how housing can be built geotechnics.

We plan to make good insulation, put the atrium courtyard, set in the basement garage of the building, make accessible roof, covered with a transparent veil, large balconies, designed in the style of hi-tech, to ensure the accessibility … The list goes on, but the key point is that all apartments within the “calling card” will be sold at cost. You just touched on the cost. According to the theory of perfect competition, profit is temporary, and the market price tends to aggregate production costs of the product, that is the cost. Proceeding from these considerations, what should be a price per square meter in the building market? To date, the primary market price per meter for approximately 20-40% percent higher than its cost.

In this case the cost of construction itself is rarely more than 15 thousand rubles per square meter. Rest are bureaucratic costs of connection of electricity, gas and water supply, sanitation, idle losses, theft of materials. When you save all of these trends the same, price per square meter will decrease. Lower ceiling for middle-class apartments and three rooms set at 39 thousand rubles. As for profits, in a competitive environment it receives the one who achieves a lower cost. Today the market is not saturated, and developers can work with a fairly large margin. However, if the situation will change, Geotechnical be ready for market fluctuations to a greater extent than other companies. How do you be so sure? My confidence is based on an understanding of reasonableness and accuracy of the corporate culture of the company personnel policy. Geotechnical was established as a scientific-production enterprise for the production of research the world’s oceans. And to this day the basis of everything that makes our company is a scientific approach. For example, most construction companies in Russia assess the defects in the cable and the boom by visual inspection. Foreign construction companies in such situations, take on lease special flaw analysis and ultrasound or magnetic fields determine the defects. But our experts have created their own flaw! Thanks to the well- constructed by cases of domestic policy staff misconduct, accidents are few. In addition, we practice the lifetime employment of qualified professionals. This lets you save construction techniques within the company and invest in human capital actually generate income.

Financial Engineering

Recently, more and more often hear the term engineering from the mouth of businessmen and managers. However, many even of the representatives of the business are not yet fully understand, that includes this term. Kam VedBrat often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In this article we try to describe all the things that affect engineering. Engineering – a combination of engineering and consulting services. Connect with other leaders such as Mikkel Svane here. There are engineering companies engaged in engineering under the contract for the provision of services. Complex engineering includes such services as: 1) The Advisory engineering – this is, above all, intelligent services used in developing plans for construction, facilities design and ensure control over the course of work. 2) Process engineering – provides customer technologies for construction and operation of the construction site.

In this type of service used to transfer the contract industrial experience and knowledge. (Note: the projects of water supply, transport, etc.) 3) Construction engineering – supply of equipment (technology), editing, etc. 4) Financial Engineering – involves the development of operating schemes and new financial instruments. Thus, engineering includes all the services necessary to ensure the full production process across the enterprise. Also includes provisions for maintenance of various facilities, operation household objects, etc. Thus, engineering includes all the services necessary to ensure the full production process across the enterprise.

Also includes provisions for maintenance of various facilities, operation household objects, etc. Engineering services are successfully used in the energy sector. That such basic work as electrical work, installation of substations, construction of power plants, industrial electrical, construction general contracting, electrical construction, design, energy facilities, repair of electrical equipment, building structures, installation of power equipment, installation of power equipment, installation of overhead power lines, the design of overhead transmission lines, design of transmission lines, construction of power lines. Exactly therefore it is important for every company to find a company that provides high quality engineering services. Since is the foundation of the fortress which depends on the business. The main criterion in selecting an engineering company is its experience. Its easy to assess the severity of already completed projects.