Exchange January 21, 2015 February 1, 2015 Leah

Cellulite develops in five stages, which correspond to the different degrees of commitment in the disorganization of the fibrous tissue, adipose, blood and lymphatic circulation. Five phases of the five phases of the development of cellulite cellulite coincide with different degrees of commitment in the disorganization of the fibrous tissue, adipose, blood and lymphatic circulation. These phases are the following: first stage of cellulite: characterized by the vessel dilatation affecting micro circulation lenificando it. This stage has no visible manifestations. Second phase of cellulite: occurs the edematizacion of connective tissue.

Because of the lenificacion of circulation, vessel permeabilizan, shedding part of the liquid that they lead to the interstitial space. Thus accumulate unstable chemical species which tend to react among themselves. In this instance it usually starts the feeling of heaviness in the legs. Third stage of cellulite: occurs adipose hypertrophy, the adipocytes cannot done cell exchange of their metabolic products, so increase your volume and reach break and overturn his intoxicated content abroad. This is consequence of the polymerization of the molecules accumulated in the intercellular environment, which becomes thick and serous. One can observe an increase in the volume of affected parties. Fourth stage of cellulite: fibrosis that makes more difficult the cell Exchange is generated. It’s a network of elongated cells that compresses the nerve endings and adipocytes. From here most known signs of cellulite, Orange skin and pain caused by manifest themselves. Fifth stage of cellulite: the box evolves to a sclerosis, form macro nodules that define timely and deep sags in the surface of the skin. Already get rid of cellulite? other resources original author and source of the article