It is pure mathematics, it is geography, history, chemistry- all science and technology have been created by your intellect. Your logic and your geometry are useful but the intellect is blind. He does nothing but create things but do not know if you are using to destroy or create. A nuclear war is a war created by the intellect. The intellect has its uses but, unfortunately, has become the master of your whole being. That has caused many problems in the world. This owner is behind these three things: body, mind, heart. The owner is behind the three, this is your being. You never are you going to the inside, all your paths lead to the outside, all your senses lead to the outside. All your achievements are out there in the world.
The intellect is helpful in the world and all your educational systems are just techniques to avoid the heart and drive your energy straight to your head. The heart can cause problems to the head, the heart knows nothing of logic. The heart has a completely different mode, intuition. Meet the love but love is a worthless commodity in the world. Discover the beauty, but what good is beauty in the world? Nature has taken .- instinct. Every time you think you interfere in instinct perversions. This is what they have done all religions, each religion has been interfering in the body but the body is completely innocent, never done anything wrong. If you accept the body as completely natural, this will help tremendously.