Individual solutions for individual living conditions the professional family Office great family fortune offers holistic and comprehensive services. As a trusted and reliable partner of wealthy, the tasks are complex. These include also efficient measures of prevention for personal issues, such as the security and well-being of all family members in addition to the complete recording, evaluation, selection, control and consultation of all material assets. Due to the comprehensive care by family offices are not only the financial circumstances, but also security aspects into account. Essential elements of our holistic concept of prevention for family offices are conducting a vulnerability and risk analysis with regard to the personal security situation, the creation of a comprehensive security policy in consultation with the parties the implementation of the comprehensive security concept with regard to the occupational safety and Conducting a professional personal protection with everyday trips before enlightenment measures detailed living conditions as possible to affect the implementation of efficient behavioral training specifically on the needs of those involved, as for example for seniors, children, domestic workers, but also members of the family Office are matched a professional protection of confidential data (data and information protection) background checks by domestic workers, suppliers, service providers and business partners, before business or holiday travel and places. The professional personal protection are still hidden and remote personal protection measures, as well as protection of persons with regard to direct and indirect to the protection of persons. The use of the latest and most innovative security technology building a competent and professional crisis management author: Annette leis owner MentalLeis services
Safety In The Professional Family Office
August 14, 2015
August 27, 2015