Animatrix October 26, 2015 November 2, 2015 Leah

Do not fall in love with amusing characters of anime and manga – Japanese animation and comics – it is simply impossible. The creators of these works put all his talent and skill in their creation, but because they are obtained in the present alive and moving. It is not surprising that so many people love to watch movies and read Japanese comics. There is even a movement of followers – an otaku who draw their own comics in a pleasing genre and even participate in tenders announced by the various studios that produce movies and printed materials. Shop anime – a great opportunity to purchase any item that is associated with a favorite character from the comic book or movie. Want around the world to demonstrate their love for Japanese culture? She loves stuffed animals dobuttsu? Want to go on holiday in a suit with the symbols of your favorite hero? No problem: anime store offers a huge selection of the most different products – key chains, purses, toys and clothing for cosplay. Internet anime store not only offers a wide range of different products, related to anime. You can also get acquainted with all commodities in real life, coming to a store anime.

Here you can touch, examine and learn the details of all the products that we offer. Soft toys, bags, hats, jewelry, ears and tails – a huge range of genres for fans of anime and manga. There is no need to independently anime paraphernalia – everything can be bought at the store anime. Even if you are not an ardent fan of the genre of anime and manga, then sure you will enjoy the original accessories and clothing, which will allocate you from the others. Well, nice figure in the Japanese style, as well as plush toys depicting various characters of manga comics and anime films, please anyone, not just a fan of Japanese animation. Shop anime, located on the Internet, has a convenient search: you can choose, for example, favorite icon, a user-friendly filter. In addition to all of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities in Russia every year festivals and street cosplay fashion Animatrix.

Catwalk stritfeshn (Lolita) and anime cosplay. "Otaku Festival" – an event that brings together those whose interest in Japanese culture has become not just a fad, but a lifestyle. In the modern Japanese word "otaku" means "passionate people" or "ardent fan of anything." The most commonly used to mean "a fan of contemporary Japanese mass culture ": anime, manga, movies, music, literature, etc. The program includes: Karaoke contest, fan fiction, artwork, videos, voice acting, and perhaps the most spectacular event – cosplay (costume idea where otaku portray their favorite anime or manga characters, with an accuracy of reproducing their clothes and gear). I would also like to note that open a new nomination Mixed-Catwalk, in which participants can present on cosplay characters of books, movies, cartoons, musicals, etc. regardless of country of manufacture!