The Watercolour dates from that man learned to paint and interpret his environment. However, being as old as it is, is not as commercial as the painting in acrylic and oil, since these techniques are more modern. Cezanne used, Eugene Delacroix, Francois Marius Granet, Henri-Joseph Harpignies did excellent work with it and a number of teachers entered this art. But for centuries, the issue of watercolor basically is that it cannot maintain its colors for long periods of time. Be desvancece quickly and very few artists use it currently.The actual development of modern watercolor painting in what refers to its preparation and commercial viability data of a little more than a hundred years ago. Too recent in comparison with majorities of visual art media, which makes that teachers today use acrylics and oils in his paintings. Therefore, once rare watercolor paintings have commercial success. However, watercolor is a wonderful to work because it is more portable, more easy to maintain and It is not toxic.
For centuries remained in the background, never so popular, but the demand for watercolor paintings has always been there. Before the 1800s, the acurela was the perfect medium of paint, they bought their pigments in pharmacies, and they mixed their own colors. 18Th century to 19 saw an increase in the market of printing books in which the usual vehicle of illustrators is watercolor. Consequently, there was also an increase in the demand for watercolor, because it became fashionable during this period of time using this medium, especially in the upper classes of society. Then the manufacturers gave him a touch more commercial watercolor.At that time, covers that were used in the watercolors were made from carbohydrates of plants. Similarly, the pigments were drawn were drawn in to the paper using cellular components of the newspaper where remained. This left the exposed pigment as left on paper arena, leaving the powdered pigments to disperse them when they were very dry desvaneciendolo quickly.
Today, however the rubber Arabian used as the main deck, with improvements done to improve their resistance to light. The lightfastness of the watercolors are measured by their numerical score and it is printed on the packaging for its identification. In fact, if an artist uses watercolors today with high resistance to light and to carry out the work of file in paper, pigments adhere, transaparencia in brightness that only watercolors can offer will remain, and the work will last longer than those made with oil or acrylic. the applications have also changed. While the paintings used brush (including watercolor) as its main tool, nowadays are used modern tools that include the use of sponges, tissue paper, plastic, crayons, sprinklers and other materials, organic and non-organic to create a piece of artwork, which is possible with watercolors. They have also changed the concepts in which refers to the use of watercolor. The precept that the paintings in black and white no longer used in place only the