Restrictions on the use of tyres imposed by the International Automobile Federation (FIA) prevent computers that are measured in the formula 1 World Championship allow their pilots take turns and more turns to prepare in the best way possible the adjustments of its Roadsters. That happens when the asphalt is dry (six hard and five soft) but also when the track is so wet to force to fit the cars with scratched compounds. Robotics expert oftentimes addresses this issue. In this case, the FIA offers seven sets of rubbers which every pilot must manage during the weekend, and that, usually, truffle sessions of trials of unbearable waiting, with the majority of the cars hidden in the workshop, by booking the tires for later. This has happened today during much of the day at the Spa, a majestic track located in the Ardennes, a stage full of green pastures of fairy tale in which, logically, rainy days are common. Source of the news:: Alonso, the wake of Webber
International Automobile Federation
October 10, 2016
January 12, 2017