Gudula Berger December 15, 2016 May 15, 2018 Leah

Jubilee action ‘ 15 years BoD 15 copies free ‘ before exactly 15 years ago, in November 1998, began the Saxon Druck – und Verlagshaus with the printing of books-on-demand books on demand. The required digital printing technology has been established on a year earlier with the founding of the Saxon digital printing Center (sdz). sdz belonged at the time to the most modern digital printers in Germany and was consistently innovative, contemporary products, including services, which no doubt book on demand belonged and still belongs. The machines of yesteryear have given way to long much more modern; the SDV direct World GmbH emerged from the sdz. What remains, is the passion for high quality and yet economical printing products as well as for individual and professional services. As books on demand, as books as needed so that can cost-effectively be produced: volumes with fiction, poetry and memoirs test and short runs for publishers of non-fiction and Publication series yearbooks, festschriften and Chronicles of Bachelor’s and master’s theses and dissertations Abibucher, vintage and memory books. Each single piece with a personal dedication or Thanksgiving can be customized at no extra charge.

Worldwide, cost-optimized delivery is of course. Duration of the Jubilee action: November 1, 2013 to 30 April 2014 who until 30 April 2014, emits an order for books on demand in a minimum quantity of 30 copies, receives in addition to 15 soft cover copies of his book free. The promo code is: SDV15BoD. My impression is that longtime customers in cooperation with SDV appreciate especially our reliability and personal contact. Add of course the excellent print quality and value, which is quite compelling and competitive “, explains Gudula Berger, Sales Manager book on demand and 15 copies is looking forward to the start of action 15 years BoD free”. Who from today until April 30, 2014 submits an order for books on demand in a minimum quantity of 30 copies, receives in addition to 15 soft cover copies of his book free. We have already tested a similar action in the past, because she very well has arrived at our customers, we repeat it like, especially since we have a solemn cause,”so Berger.