System Alliance May 18, 2017 June 19, 2017 Leah

First project partner is the company of Gahrens + Battermann, a full service provider for event technology. The company sent nationwide via System Alliance electronic equipment and components to customers as well as to the own service teams. For the study is Gahrens + Battermann is ideal because the event technicians take the role of shippers as well as the recipient of the goods. The investment costs for the tests is straightforward: already, many of the mobile data acquisition units used at System Alliance (MDA) can read also the area codes. For you to configure only. During the six-month test period we can include more customers on request in the study”, explains System Alliance’s Managing Director Georg Kohler.

By the end of the year, the project team wants to evaluate the findings of practical use. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Promise by the use of QR codes “we us handling advantages for our customers and accelerate the flow of information”, Georg Kohler looks forward. Should have confirmed this, we examine whether and how we can gradually introduce the technology in cooperation.” More information: about the QR code: QR-code (“English quick response: quick response”) is a two-dimensional code that can transmit text information in binary characters (black or white field). The coded surfaces can be read with special scanners, smartphones and relevant apps. Press contact: main view agency fu? r public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt Uwe Berndt telephone: 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: System Alliance GmbH Industriestrasse 5 36272 low Aula Gudrun Raabe phone: 0 66 25 / 107-0 of system Alliance the embossed medium-sized forwarding network provides nationwide transport solutions fu? r different industries on and maintains his own main envelope company (HUB) in Niederaula. Stu enters with a rule term of 24/48 hours? ckgut nationwide quickly and safely to your destination. Many premium products complete the range of high-quality transport solutions. 42 Regional companies belong to the network with a total of about 10,000 employees. International system Alliance of the Pan-European network of SystemPlus is connected. 22 Countries in Europe are from the specialist fu? r Road express freight every day approached.