Word of the banner with the English language can be translated as a banner, flag or banner. The most widely it gets no outdoor advertising, where, in fact, there was the concept, namely in advertising over the Internet. In Internet as a banner usually use dynamic image format flash or gif. Most often, online banner advertising placed directly in view, and moreover, any banner links to a page the same or another site, which is advertised. With the help of a banner can be advertised himself online resource, and product or service described on this site. Banner advertising was virtually ubiquitous on the Internet, because is the most convenient and time efficient way to advertise the site. On how the banner is designed, where it is housed, and determine the effectiveness of advertising campaign. Details can be found by clicking Viacom or emailing the administrator.
Banner should be visible, bright, and that very importantly, unobtrusive, not irritating. Banners should be as professional placement – a strategic and purposeful. Suschetsvuet and this form of banners, as automated banners which sends the user to the advertised site already and if he only put things on it with the mouse. This is very beneficial for those who post the banner, but extremely pleasant to the visitor that redirects to another site, regardless of his wishes. There are also some of the traditional sizes of banners: banner size is 468×60, 120×60, 100×100 and 88×31 pixels. Other sizes of banners are much less common, but it is very important that the weight of the banner average no more than ten kilobytes.
While using the format flash stick to the limits in the amount of fairly easy. The main index, which measures the effectiveness of banner advertising – the so-called index CTR (Click-Through Rate – the level of CTR), which represents the response banner. For example, if the index CTR = 0,05, then it means that the banner of 100 hits pressed five times. Naturally, such a CTR is quite rare. The average value of the response banner – this is 2-3%. For what purposes are now using a banner? First, create a positive company image in the eyes of customers. Second, the spectacular representation of the product or service. Thirdly, of course, attracting new visitors to the site, ie potential customers. To summarize, we note that the banner has the same function as the normal multimedia or graphic advertising, banner ads but has a much great potential for the most diverse and creative ideas.