Basic Sanitation IBGE December 4, 2012 July 9, 2014 Leah

The RSU presents diverse types, between them is: resduoda construction and demolition (RCD); residues of health services (RSS); industrial and commercial solid osresduos (RSIC) and the slidosdomsticos residues or domiciliary (RSD). The solid residues domiciliary and comerciaisrepresentam sufficiently significant fraction of the urban and soconstitudos solid residues, basically, for organic materials. The organic substance to poderepresentar of 70 94% of the RSU (available in: access in 30.08.2009). For Tchobanoglous et al. (apud MILK, 2003), How much to the urban solid residues, they are constituted, in general, for resduosslidos domiciliary, paper/cardboard (material celulsicos), cellular rags, straws, foliages and fabrics, are inside fit of qumicosdenominados composites carboidratos and, therefore, they are passiveis of degradation. The degradation of the RSU of organic origin represents riscosignificativo to the environment.

When the garbage bad is managed, the liquidopercolado one of this type of residue (chorume) contaminates the mainly oscorpos ground and d' water promoting the reduction of the nestesambientes amount of available oxygen. The deficit of Oxygen compromises the survival of the comunidadesaquticas that depend on this resource (DAJOZ, 2005; ESTEVES, 1998; FELLEMBERG, 1980). In such a way, it can be affirmed that the lack of one politics degerenciamento of these residues represents for asade in such a way public a significant risk how much for the environment (GOD, et al., 2004). The National Research of Basic Sanitation IBGE (2000) revelaque the majority of the Brazilian cities, about 63%, discards the RSU emlixes; 18% use controlled aterros; 14% sanitary aterros and 5% noinformaram the final destination of its residues. For Wedge and Son (2002), this um reflected of the indifference of the public power front to the question.

However, osautores detach the amento in the number of studies and research on the subject. The city of Salvador integrates the small group of municpiosbrasileiros that presents one politics of management of the produced slidosurbanos residues. With a population of 2.443.107 inhabitants, according to data doIBGE (2008), the city presents a production of RSD and RSC of about 728mil tons per year, that is, 60,6 t/ms (LIMPURB 2006).