Android Smartphone October 2, 2018 June 17, 2019 Leah

Via Smartphone with the new job in the IT industry, a free app by Genia consulting, human resources consulting for IT/K markets, enables the mobile job search via iPhone, iPad or Smartphone with Android operating system. Users can search for appropriate with the app abroad for specialist sales and managers from the IT sector. To broaden your perception, visit tech investor. The personal job agent provides them also specifically appropriate abroad on your mobile device. Job seekers find the Genia app”depending on the situation either on the go via Smartphone or comfortably from home via iPad or Tablet PC new professional positions that suit their personal strengths and skills. The app gives job seekers both an overview of all jobs from Shah as also the ability to search based on criteria such as location and region. Download and use the app on the Smartphones are free of charge.

The job overview of the Genia app offers more than 360 current and high-profile jobs from leading IT companies for specialist, Sales and executives from the TIMES markets – telecommunication, information, multimedia, entertainment and security. In addition to the search for jobs on the General settings, users can feel for their individual search also a job agent”set up. To do this, enter your relevant search criteria and then automatically receive the appropriate jobs on your Smartphone. The app meets the mobility of users, because they discreetly and quickly can discover job opportunities thus”, explains Jurgen Bockholdt, Managing Director of SHAHAB consulting. As a leading recruitment consultancy for the IT sector, we put emphasis on contemporary and future-oriented recruiting methods. With the app we are at the pulse of time and make candidates as fast and easy the search for their new positions as possible.” The Genia app is available on the homepage of Genia consulting to download for iPhone, iPad, or Android Smartphone: apps.html