Cellular, TVs, Computers, Household-electric etc. Seem that we are arriving well close to what we attended in the futuristas films of our infancy. The saudosismo made in them to relembrar of those moments and our inesquecveis toys of the time. Pipes or parrots as we called in those days, marble, stand of rolim, games of button, soccer in the land hood, beyond those tricks in group as pass ring, catch-catch, hide-hide, at last those recreaes that we made with the friends, neighbors, cousins and relatives and that they characterized the form of amusing in them in the infantile phase. We also practised some ecologically incorrect acts for the current days, as to hunt passarinho, to collect butterflies and until we arrive to maltreat in rarssimas situations, some dogs and cats. Pure lack of orientation of knowledge. Inside of the possible one we looked for to be ‘ ‘ comportados’ ‘ , therefore we did not want to be punished by God (who of that time did not hear ‘ frequently; ‘ God castiga’ ‘), nor neither we wanted to go for the hell! When we left the line, few times we were free of the pats, chineladas, pokes of ear and blows with the belt of our parents.
Nor therefore we loved little they or we desired any badly to it. When we wounded in them in some trick or has caused an accident domestic servant, the parents passed alcohol, mercury chromium and we were ready for another one. We called the people oldest gentleman and lady (custom who I bring until today); we frequentvamos the mass, exactly that eventually. Significant part of the children was baptized, made first communion and crisma.