Artificial Intelligence Computational Papers April 16, 2019 August 19, 2019 Leah

The knowledge acquisition (AC) is the process of collecting information, from any source (expert, books, magazines, reports,), necessary to build a knowledge-based system La AC is not a concrete step in the methodology of development of a SBC, but rather a task that occurs in parallel to all the stages of construction of these (identification systems(, conceptualization, formalization, validation, maintenance). Speaking candidly Robotics expert told us the story. There are six models defined in CommonKADS model of Organization (OM): it is a tool to analyze the organization in which the SBC will be introduced, and aims to discover problems and opportunities. Task Tm (relevant subparts of the process) of model: Describes the tasks that are carried out or will be carried out in the organizational environment in which intends to install SBC and provides the framework for the distribution of tasks between agents at a general level. Agent (AM) model: an agent is an executor of a task. Can human being, software or any other entity able to perform a task. This model describes the skills, characteristics, authority and restrictions to act as agents. Communications model (CM): detailed information exchange between the different agents involved in the implementation of the tasks described in the task model.

Modelo of knowledge (expertise or experience EM): this is the heart of the CommonKADS methodology and models knowledge of problem solving used by an agent to perform a task. Experience model distinguishes between the knowledge of the application and knowledge of solving the problem. Knowledge of the application is divided into three sublevels: level of the domain (declarative knowledge about the domain), inference (a library of generic structures of inference) and task (order of inferences) level. Modelo design (DM): while the other five models attempt analysis of the SBC, this model is used to describe the architecture and the technical design of SBC as a step prior to its implementation. It generally produces the technical specification in terms of architecture, platform implementation, software modules, constructions of representation and computational mechanisms for the implementation of SC.