In the field of socio-political developments are like small tribes detained in time. For these tribes that prevent the access to the future, the maximum possible happiness is the maintenance of obsolete structures and the listless thought. Am not going back to Deleuze with differences between disciplinary societies and the control issue that I have already addressed in previous books nor the very valuable clarifications of Foucault on the subject. Nor I am to deal with nihilism or the cynicism of contemporary man also treated previously. I am not going to intrude on genetic manipulation, the antropotecnica mutation or the crisis of culture, which surely deserve a space apart.
They are changing the way people communicate, interact, and exchange information. It will change the economy, change Governments, but above all change the societies. It is clear that there will be competition between local, regional and global markets that parallel will bring economic, social and environmental interdependence which will produce remarkable effects. The changes will be felt in the place in which we work, we produce, where we learn and as We delineate the different phases of our lives. We can define the changes as the transition to knowledge societies. This implies that in the context of the negotiations for the future gets full a new participant: the society, because the substitution of a society informed by a well-connected society necessarily implies without obviating the totalitarian dangers – the persecution of democratic goals, sustainable development and gender equality. To achieve this, societies will be building what has been called an enabling environment, one that will allow its rise. That is why the totalitarian parallel outbreak comes to nip the possibility of communication. The enabling environment is to create cultural, economic, social and political conditions that allow the full development of the human person. Therefore, knowledge rises as the determinant of mobilization processes.