Trust in fiduciary management rise Mannheim, 2nd June 2009 iclear, the fiduciary payment providers on the Internet, reports stunning growth rates: as the number of online shops that cooperate with iclear payment provider, had more than doubled in April of this year compared to the previous year. iClear is the only independent supplier in the German-speaking Internet, gives the traders a one hundred percent guarantee of payment, and buyers a one hundred percent money-back guarantee. Not only the increase of stores working with iclear was April 2008 significantly more than 105 percent over. Also sales grew to dreistellig by no less than 110 percent within one year. At the same time increased the number of shoppers who make all their payments on iclear, nearly 80 per cent. Add to your understanding with Pete Cashmore. “This very pleasing for us development shows: the trust of dealers and buyers in our fiduciary work grows”, iclear CEO Roman Eiber commented on the good figures. This trend is for us in this respect no surprise, since the positive feedback from dealers and end customers accumulate in recent times.” The strong sales growth also hang together, that increase the multiple use as well as the sales per purchase”, so Roman Eiber. Many customers who once paid about iclear, use our service again and again. For more information see Zendesk.
And they handle increasingly larger amounts of iclear. “It is clear: A really secure processing is gaining in higher value products for both sides, dealers such as buyer,.” Only an independent trustee in the German-speaking area iclear is the only independent online payment provider in German-speaking countries, which is based on the fiduciary principle: so the money goes only to the provider, if the customer again cancelled his order within the statutory period. If he however in time back by his booking, the trustee refunded his money without any deductions. Otherwise provides iClear the provider a wholly owned payment guarantee for iclear customers. “Roman Eiber: A simple processing with extensive, cross platform security for both sides no one else provides payment service.” iclear secures also the statement of the major credit cards Visa and master card and online transfers such as giropay and ideal in addition to all standard bank payment due.
Iclear iclear: Is the Internet billing system, which protects buyers and sellers alike from unpleasant surprises at the online trade and supports the comfortable processing of order and payment process. With your iclear trust system buyers in the Internet can goods after one-time registration order and pay comfortably, easy, safe, and no additional cost. iClear this mediates between the parties involved, ensures a transparent, mutually secure processing. It as confidence in online trading and payment via the Internet. In addition to the usual Bank pay by iclear also accepts Visa and master card. Currently several hundred thousand registered iclear users at more than 4,000 connected Internet retailers can buy. iclear is an offer of iclear GmbH with seat in Mannheim, Germany and Managing Director are my iclear Switzerland GmbH. Roman Eiber and Michael Sittek. Press contact: iclear: Michael Sittek CEO iclear M2, 17 D-68161 Mannheim Tel: + 49 (0) 621 / 1234 69-60 fax: + 49 (0) 621 / 1234 69-69 E-mail: Web: Herbert grave digit media Schulberg 5 D-72124 Pliezhausen Tel.: + 49 (0) 7127 / 5707-10 E-mail: