Miracle Plant Aloe Vera May 2, 2023 July 11, 2023 Leah

The Aloe is an ancestral, called also as the desert Lily, plant used as natural medicine to cure all kinds of disease and treatment with Aloe Vera was something natural. Its main source is the Africa of the South and East, although many people located in other areas of the continent. It is a subtropical plant that belongs to the family of Liliaceae, juicy and nourishing, with thick spear-shaped leaves. You can live in any type of weather, without lowering the temperature of zero degrees. It is a plant that has become popular, due to its properties of healing and resistance, in all parts of the world. The plant is used for the preparation of cosmetic products both for the cure of diseases. We already easily find Aloe in creams, lotions, balms and even beverages.

Every day there is more demand for these products and the plant is grown in large quantities. There is no sufficient data when it began to use this plant as a natural remedy, although its properties are well recognized since always. They exist ancient texts that recognize its use as a purgative. In its interior is a residue of latex of yellow color that was used as a laxative, orally, and to clean the intestines. Even celebrities from other eras found in the Aloe plant a solution to their ailments or evils. Alexander the great, for example, used it to heal the wounds of his soldiers. Marco Polo counseled her for stomach pains.

Cleopatra used it to care for and maintain your face beautiful. The variety of properties that the plant has not passed in vain by all past civilizations and each village used it in their own way. The ancient Egyptians, for example, embalsamaban their deceased adding Aloe with other ingredients. They also used it for skin care. The Indians used it as a conditioner for the hair. The Chinese used it to treat many ailments, but especially for skin diseases. In the second world war, he served to cure the burns caused by the catastrophic consequences of the atomic bomb. Aloe Vera treatment was carried out by the teachings received from parents to children, always in order to alleviate and help heal without any condition, totally different from what happens today.