Effectively. There are two things that, as new entrepreneurs, we can lead to frustration and lead us to abandon the home and developing a good business on the internet: 1.-on the one hand, a bad advice for part of who we admired, who considered a guru of business and who in the end is not what we expected. What we found after read, investigate, ask, and above all do. Worse still, if this advice involved us excessive costs of which we did not get a reasonable and consistent with the same compensation. There are many examples which we could place in this respect, one of them has been presented here in Costa Rica, with some universities, in which many students after completing his career gave account that they lacked the corresponding approval of the Higher Council of education and therefore your investment was by pipeline (regardless of the penalties that apply, applied or not).
In internet there are abundant cases and in this sense it would be a good exercise that the reader discover by way of observation, analysis and critique, cases that may harm him, before being injured. 2. On the other hand, the frustration can come to live admiring and occasionally up idolizing shift guru, following him in all his activities, buying you everything what we sold, attending all his lectures and not see prosper our business. It is clear, that we did not have time. We devote more time to the guru (or gurus) to our business. The foregoing does not mean at all, that we should give up training, but yes it is important to carry out what was in one of my English mentors: FOCUS ON THE TARGET (focus on the goal. This will be a major issue to be addressed in the development of our learning). An example in this regard. Some of my clients to whom I provide consulting, me they have called on occasions when we are in a meeting, allowing them to serve any customer with whom are to conclude any business.