The physiology (from the Greek physis, nature, and center logos, knowledge, study) is the science that studies the functions of multicellular beings (living). Many aspects of human physiology are intimately related to animal physiology, where much of the information available today has been achieved thanks to experimentation animal.La anatomy and physiology are closely related fields of study where the former emphasizes knowledge of the way while the second puts interest in studying the function of each body part, with both areas of vital importance in the general medical knowledge. Homeostasis Content 1 2 benefits The internal environment of cells 2.1 Survival 3 4 Mechanisms physiological elements of control – or 4.1 Negative feedback – positive feedback or 4.2 hospital – or 4.3 Classification Anticipacion 5 6 References homeostasis Homeostasis (Greek homoios meaning similar, and stasis, in Greek”””, position, stability) is a term used by physiologists to describe and medical explain the persistence of static or constant conditions in the internal environment. Essentially all organ and tissue in the body perform functions that help maintain these constant conditions. From the lungs that take oxygen, until the kidneys that maintain constant ion concentrations in the body, every organ and cell provides a function insurance that adds to the overall functions of the other systems that allow human life. The internal environment 70 of the human body is composed of liquid and most of this liquid is inside cells (intracellular fluid) anyway, about one third living in the spaces outside the cells and comprises what is known as extracellular fluid. Unlike the first, this liquid is always in motion in the body. It is rapidly mixed by the circulation of blood and by diffusion between it and the tissue fluids, and in the extracellular fluid and ions are nutrients required for cells to retain their function. Virtually all living cells surrounded community by extracellular fluid, so that dental this liquid is called the body’s internal environment or milieu interieur as I call the physiologist Claude Bernard. always compare health insurance companies , even has cost-effective health plan solutions Cell survival cells develop and carry out its functions, but if these are specialized, while nutrition having a hand in the internal environment of appropriate ion concentrations, oxygen, glucose, various amino acids and other substances that serve as building blocks of nutrition or repair. department Elements physiological body consists of cells, these are aircraft clinic and, in turn these make up the systems that keep the body alive. System clinical study Fisiologia The nervous system consists of the central nervous system (which consists of the brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system. The weight loss brain is the organ of thought, emotions, the processing of sensory natural information and many other aspects that coordinate the integrated function of the body.
Classification Anticipacion
December 14, 2013
July 9, 2014