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Los medios de comunicacion en Mexico tambien quedaron en manos de la iniciativa privada, a partir de la decada de 1990. Were previously operated by parastatal companies such as Telefonos de Mexico and Mexico Telegraph. The Mexican Postal Service is still in state sighline acquisition hands. With regard to television, there was the Mexican Institute of Television (Imevision), but from the beginning had the right to private concessions. There are currently two private television companies that hold most of the market (Televisa and TV Azteca). The federal government operates on Channel 22 and Channel 11 Conaculta latter, through the Instituto Politecnico Nacional. In addition, states have the power to operate TV through bodies created for this purpose. In Mexico gaming industry there are 733 television channels, some with national coverage.
In radio, there are many private companies. The most important of them are based in the Federal District. In many cities of the republic there are local stations. The Federation operates the Instituto Mexicano de la Radio (IMER), and some of its operating units other stations, including Radio Education, an agency of the Ministry of Education, and the many Indian radio stations, which depended on the National Indigenous Institute, converted in National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples. Several universities also have own real estate radio stations, among them Radio Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, UNAM, whose coverage reaches almost the entire national territory, and can be heard in the international Internet bandwidth. retired, in 2007, from In Mexico there are 854 radio stations in amplitude modulation and GCA FM 634.
Websites by country.
Fixed telephone is operated by a few companies, including Telmex is by far the biggest. The coverage of the phone also has been increasing steadily. An estimated 80 of Mexican households have fixed telephone, and cash access provider in many communities there are small booths telefonicas community. Long distance (national and international), the total time of the great conferences in the year 2004 the amount of 32,302,000,000 minutes. The number of cellular users in 2007 is approximately 56 million people, attended by thirteen companies. Mexico is the only country in the Americas that has the video service through fixed line telephone, using the media as a videophone.
Regarding the use of new communication technologies (Internet), the proportion of users in Mexico is low, with approximately 28,000,000 users, considering that Mexico is a nation of over one hundred million people are yet the country with more Internet users in Latin America. To alleviate the low coverage, the government of Mexico has implemented the Community Places program, which stations are equipped with computers and an internet connection, in the most marginalized regions of the country.