Ianto Evans May 9, 2014 July 9, 2014 Leah

We did all the bricks the size of 40h20h20 cm, and had to be done 40h20h19 (or 41h20h20). Not take into account the thickness of the seam. Make a smooth wall was more difficult, although the task was feasible. Saman, like any other material that has positive and negative sides. If, for example, a car from a seemingly reliable material like metal you can not paint, you can spend on a trip to its maximum per year. Then he prorzhaveet, and crumble to pieces.

Same thing happens to Samana. To serve for decades, it has to be carefully protected from excessive moisture proofing and stucco. Therefore the question of durable exterior stucco adobe house I see it as one of the most principal. I must say that the book Ianto Evans and Linda head to plaster the most confusing and unclear. I had to reread it every 6 to investigate thoroughly all over. My grandmother told me that they have plastered adobe standard cement mortar.

We did not want to. One professional finishers who is interested in natural building, recommended to cover the acrylic primer and paint. We have processed a sample brick. It turns water-resistant film-like adhesive. The result is like. The instructions to acrylic written that she is breathing, but to make large-scale experiment on your own house afraid. Perhaps only some of the least processed protected places, such as window openings. If someone has to decide and get a good result will only be happy. We decided to make another pie: shingles fills, line the walls with plaster adobe, make lime-sand plaster and paint on top of lime paint. In order not to waste time, laying parallel I started doing stucco. Of boards and any trim to saw reechki thickness of approximately 4 mm and width of about 2 cm, these reechki I stuffed with nails (40-50 mm), weaving in a checkerboard pattern.