Mobile Phone – The Secret Weapon August 31, 2014 November 9, 2014 Leah

Mobile phone – the secret weapon With the advent of the first mobile phone, humanity entered a new phase in its development. Now any citizen was not available just a phone, a mini-computer, camera, radar "in a bottle." This article is about the application CellPhones as radar (SAR). It so happened that the war of the trench crossed the high-tech. Now the advantage is the one who "Pribarahlilsya" more powerful computer, purchased the best software (SW), employed the most advanced IT – professionals. Sometimes thinks about how mankind has managed to convince of the advantages of mobile phone, because medical practice have proven harm of this miracle of modern technology. Doctors say: "Mobile phones is harmful to carry always with me: they always work as a transmitter, and the electromagnetic radiation are harmful. " Opponents say: "Radiation is very weak." Doctors say: "But, around a thousand phones in a relatively small area. The total capacity of gamers over the MAC.

Accumulation of cell phones is dangerous. Opponents say: "This is a short-term impact, as owners of mobile phones are constantly migrating, so this factor can be ignored." This debate is endless, and the average person feels the government conspiracy against him. Now the curtain raised. It was learned, for what the State CellPhones in large quantities. Recently, an article appeared in the Internet, "Mobile phones will be used to detect flying targets," which explains the importance of Civil mobile communications for military purposes. This explains why the saturation of the territory of mobile phones is a strategic necessity for any country.

Interestingly, the problem is now solved the country's defense at the expense of ordinary citizens, requiring minimal budgetary objectives. So. Everyone knows that any mobile phone is identified by its serial number (type in your CellPhones * # 06 # and you will see the so-called IMEI – code or serial number).