The Gym February 15, 2012 July 9, 2014 Leah

In contrast, in the near to the male room chair, a girl with light red hair, which recently vporhnula the gym hairdresser, click on the phone keys. Thinking – "Sit in a chair, there is more convenient than on the bench," Sergei sat in a chair next to a stranger's chair. Not wanting to wait any longer than necessary, and asked the girl sitting next to a soft tone: – Sorry, you are in a solarium? – No, I'm in the men's room, a girlfriend. – Clearly, – Sergei replied, thinking – "I was lucky as someone else. In addition to a beautiful appearance, her boyfriend and still got a beautiful voice. And because I can meet you.

But why do this to me. No, it's better to live to see a calm these months and will leave soon to another city. Topics more heard from her friend that she was the daughter, so she had a boyfriend. " In silence, oblique pereglyadyvaniyah each other, she smiled pleasantly. felt as she saw him once look at the phone out of it which in his hands, put it on bare legs. From accidentally seen thought – "I wish I could be this phone. Already the end of March, and I did not feel a drop of spring.

Probably not destiny. " Ten minutes later, Sergei patience is over. Arose, and went into the tanning room, asked when will get to chat. The woman replied that only after about thirty minutes.