Administrative Code November 13, 2019 November 13, 2019 Leah

Of the Administrative Code, unauthorized alterations to dwellings in apartment houses sanctioned by administrative fines. Please note that the requirement could be followed balansoderzhatelya (owner) of a building to bring the room to its former state. Based on experience, strongly recommend to make alterations to issue documents, which allows you to avoid many problems in the future. – What repairs do not agree? Definition of redevelopment we have given on the basis of it, that the repairs that do not require changing the data in the data sheet and do not change configuration of the apartment, do not agree. For example, installation or disassembly of built-in furniture, replacement of plumbing, redecoration. It should be understood that alterations may be different, there are many normative documents that define the kinds of repair work and do not engage in self-alignment. You'll save time, save up your nerves if you contact the experts who speak professionally information and qualified, in the short term to help you agree on the most complicated versions of the planned or already implemented alterations apartments in accordance with the regulations. The firm "Arbi" 17 years engaged in design work on residential, civil, industrial, agricultural buildings, engineering structures and systems for new construction, reconstruction, major repairs, as well as restoration of monuments of architecture, history and culture. Our specialists will perform the tonnage-finding work, and will form an expert opinion on the technical condition of the foundations and grounds (soil) building designs, engineers, building systems and structures for various purposes, conduct all necessary approvals, be transferred to non-residential apartment fund (when the former apartment under different purposes) and hand over the object in operation after contracting organization of construction and repair works on the approved project. Koch Brothers has plenty of information regarding this issue. I invite you to the site of the firm 'Arbi', where you can ask advice on the page, and I will try to give a qualified answer to every situation in the field of replanning, design, expertise buildings.