The jarana which was mounted in the vicinity of the Hotel NH City & Tower of Bolivar Street, in the heart Buenos Aires, was of arrea. There were River Plate fans blowing without wheezing trumpets, banging drums with ferocity and singing to bare cry. Quite a party. But it was not to encourage, but to reveal and scratch sleep Belgrano players, staying in this hotel. 300 millionaires who desganitaron to the sound of fans: you’ll not sleep, not going to sleep, you won’t sleep che Belgrano, you won’t sleep. Everything is so River will not fall for the first time in its laureates 110 years of history to the catacombs of second, a punishment that mouth, their eternal rivals, fans await impatient. Xeneizes from season three shirts so express it, always with the banter ahead.
I saw you down, said the first. I saw you play the promotion, recalled the second. You didn’t, he completed the third, that that both saw in Belgrano Stadium. But now the ball will roll into the Monumental.