The demand greatly benefits of the dog water beds to dog beds for dog water beds in recent years. However, many dog owners before buying shy away. On the one hand, it is located on the higher price, and on the other hand, many uncertainties remain whether this purchase is necessary and right. Basically our current dog water beds specially designed for heavy and large dogs. Especially for dogs with complaints of the bone system.
Water beds are successfully used in medical treatments in the medical and preventive positive affect muscles, as well as the back. Heat and the full support of the spinal column promoting health. The body of the dog is with his entire body on the water core of the dog water bed. Thus, he has a lower pressure than other dogs sleeping places. So eliminates painful pressure points in the shoulder and pelvic area. The result is a soothing, longer sleep.
The dog water bed heater provides for Warmth and a relaxed muscles. Detailed information on our Web site. The company DoggyBed has the task made for sick, big dogs special medical dog beds, dog mats and dog pillows to develop, produce and distribute. Since May 2007, these dog beds, are developed specifically for large dogs by our team. The various materials needed for this purpose are custom made for us in Germany. Distribution takes place via the Internet and regional partners in the trade. Since April, 2008 newly developed dog water beds recorded by us with in the program.