The brochure stand folding A4 ECON turns out to be genuine Renner Spiesen, September 20, 2010 – the brochure stand folding offers an unrivalled price / performance ratio A4 ECON despite his above-average production quality. This resulted in the last few weeks several times short-term delays in the delivery. This problem could be eliminated now permanently through a drastic increase of the permanent stock in the European stock. The Web based communications via email, SMS, Twitter, MSM, Skype or as a presentation with its own website or Facebook fan page asserts itself more and more. This is a relentless, no longer reversible process that although across goes through all ages, but understandably is especially pronounced in the younger generations until about 24 years.
However, preferred the printed newspaper real are still the majority of German adults, instead of reading the article on the screen. The Internet is just not “touch” and most people want “something in the hand” have. You are always still predominantly haptic predisposed. Brochures, handouts, and company brochures are obsolete therefore also in the Web 2.0 age definitely. Quite the contrary. You can even “understand” an always digital, impersonal and unwirklicher life environment and perceive with all your senses.
With its significant weight, its rustling pages and also with his printer color odor brochure conveys to the customer, that real, tangible products or services will be presented to him. Brochure stand and brochures are usually rather inconspicuous “Communication Wizard”, which take over but important functions in the information and communication processes. So how, the brochure presents your products, so the brochure stand presents your brochures. Racks are the preferred means of presentation. Their importance is still occupied by Google-keyword statistics: every month the keyword group to “brochure holder & brochure holder” is in the German-speaking at Enter Google over 75,000 times. With an attractive design, the brochure stand by STAR EXPO create optical incentives and thus additional interest.