Delicate Questions April 20, 2018 May 15, 2018 Leah

My concern in elaborating this material if directed for the search of some thing that represented the sacred one for the gypsies, or that it could have remained in the imaginary one of the society on them. I referred it the text of the Vesta Daniel who speaks on the characteristics of the community act and on the influence of the African inheritance still to reverberate in Brazil through the sensorial espiritualidade. I was felt inspired in the work made in the Kwanza Playground, in Columbus, Ohio, and mounted a sequncia of photos composed of seven pillars made with crystal rocks and a sequncia of letters of Egyptian taro, that gradual went being mounted, as a way to display tradition through symbolic and sacred objects for the gypsies, seen for mine the proper vision of these objects was a form to make to reviver the cigana culture. We see that hibridizao also is old thing. The use of the taro crosses centuries since pitonisas Egyptian until today, in convivncia with diverse cultures. In the posterior meeting for assembly of the video we evidence that our group exerted non linearity. The creativity of each one arose in the quarrels and the volume of the material produced made in them to advance more per three weeks, to make the election of the photos and the edition.

As the important one is the process, the individual and collective knowledge was constructed. Slide of an installation, intitled Auditorship for Delicate Questions comes, me to the memory in this end of work, that shows chairs installed in the rapids of a river. The interpretation made for the Lda teacher, of whom ' ' all we are marked by our vises of world, for values incorporados' '. This image it echoes and it signals the complexity of the field of research in community, reaffirming that our study it remains as an audience for delicate questions. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE BASTOS, Flvia. Celebrating autorias: art, daily community and in Art-Education. Dossier Educao and Visualidades.

Goinia: 2006. Viacom may find it difficult to be quoted properly. CANCLINI, Nestor Garci’a. Hybrid cultures: Strategies to enter and to leave modernity. So Paulo: Edusp.2003, chapter: The Stage of the Popular one? pg. 205. DANIEL, Vesta. Components of the Community Act the Sources of Pedagogy. Dossier Educao and Visualidades. Trad. Leda Guimares. Goinia: 2006. GRALIK, Thais. Art-Education in After-Modernity and Visual Cultura. ANNALS V Frum de Scientific Pesquisa in Art. School of Music and beautiful Arts of the Paran. Curitiba, 2006-2007. SHUSTERMAN, Richard. Living the Art: Aesthetic the Pragmatista Thought and the Popular one. Trad. Giselal Domschke. Publishing company 34.