For the first time about the 'bug' loud talk in 1972 in the U.S., when a group of 'activists', using the assistance of representatives of electoral staff President Nixon secretly infiltrated the headquarters of the candidate of the Democratic Party. Unable to find interesting papers left cracks there are several radio microphones – bugs, wanting to know what they are talking of candidates. Result known – it was a scandalous publicity. So 'bugs' have moved from the arsenal of intelligence, have become the methods of political, corporate control – it was the beginning of the era of private investigation. Now listen to other people's conversations is available all: no sophisticated technology for the manufacture of miniature microphones are not used any more or less qualified specialist will be able to build such a machine for several hours. The main technical tool listening for many years remained an ordinary beetle, radio microphone. Only change its size, with the main feature of each particular model is a way of masking bug. The main trend of recent years – miniaturization of the entire semiconductor technology.
The most widely to obtain information about the content of conversations using the following tools. Phone 'bugs' These bugs are designed to transmit conversations place in a closed room while on-hook via a telephone line. Listen to manage the ongoing phone calls and conversations you have the room, while on-hook. Techniques focused on Finally, are hearing a chime circuit vnutrikomnatnoe audition with high pump insertion 'bug', activated by a remote code via phone, integration into the machine 'bug' temporarily blocking lever tube during its descent after answering a phone call.