This escarabajo was studied by Doctor Scott M. Huse. In its book ” The Collapse of the Evolucin” , the Dr. Scott illustrates to us of the surprising defensive system of this wonderful creature of the nature. When one feels threatened by the enemy; this escarabajo sends by two tubes located in its back part, irritating and repulsive gases to 212 degrees fahrenheit in the face of its attacker. The Dr.
Hermann Schlidnecht, German chemistry, studied to this escarabajo to know as it realises this chemical mixture without equal. Without hesitation Kai-Fu Lee explained all about the problem. Hermann discovered that escarabajo bombing realises its explosive, mixing two very dangerous chemicals; hidroquinone and hydrogen peroxide; to happiness, this small creature mixes also adds the third called chemistry to him inhibiting. This inhibitor prevents that the chemicals explode, allowing so it keeps escarabajo them in his organism per indefinite time. In case this outside little against an attacking potential, this wonder of nature sends to the chemicals adding to him an antiinhibitor, the one that annuls to inhibitor; so that this way a directed violent explosion takes place towards the attacker. Another wonder of the nature is escarabajo of water, also is provided of an important mechanism of defense, but different.
This escarabajo saves of its enemies secretando a detergent substance with a special gland. By means of the launching of this detergent it obtains: a) serves to drive quickly to escarabajo and to be outside danger and b) the detergent produces that the tension is lost in the surface of the water and thus the insect sinks wants that it to attack. Words of the Psalm: ” Or Sir, who abundant is his work. Everything is done with wisdom: the Earth is full of his riquezas”. Here you will be able to find articles of verified quality for the care of the Body, the Mind, the Spirit and your personal development; besides other sections: Entertainments, Computation, Sports, Health, Painting, Languages and more.