Fiberglass Reinforcement July 10, 2016 February 24, 2017 Leah

Fiberglass EQUIPMENT FOR CONCRETE "Reinforcement Polymer Composite (ARC)" TU 2296-001-3965478-2006 Fiberglass reinforcement (SPA) is an increasingly strong position in modern construction. This is due, on the one hand, it high specific strength (ratio of strength to specific weight), on the other hand, high corrosion resistance, frost resistance, low thermal conductivity. Spa construction with non-conducting, which is very important occurrence of stray currents and electro-osmosis. Without hesitation Peter Asaro explained all about the problem. The basic design principles of reinforced concrete structures applied to concrete elements of the spa. On the strength of the SNA is not inferior to steel reinforcement, however, due to more high cost is mainly used in important structures, which are special requirements. These structures include, in particular offshore structures, especially those parts which are in the zone of variable water level. Corrosion of concrete in sea water salinity of the ocean varies in small range and is 34-35 g / liter.

PW value is usually equal to 7,8-8,3. Atlantic Ocean, for example, contains about 11 g + 1a, 20 g of C1-, 2.9 g $ 042 – and 1.4 g of M2 + per liter, as well as smaller quantities of K +, Ca2 +, W-, HCO-(0.08 g / l). SNIP 2.03.11-85 will assess the degree of aggressiveness of the water environment (including sea water) for eight types of corrosion, listed in Table. 1. Table 1. View concrete corrosion Indicator of aggressive water environment leach bicarbonate alkalinity (temporary hardness) of water K, mEq / L ammonium Obschekislotnaya Carbonic magnesian alkaline pH of the pit contents in the water Free CO2 mg / l. The contents in the water ions M2 +, mg / l. The content of ammonium salts in terms of non 1N4 +, mg / l. The contents in the water of K + and 1a +, mg / l Sulphate Obschesolevaya content in the water, ions, $ 042 – mg / l.