Exclusive care connect with maximum success – that’s always your goal! Galileo – single, certified vibration device for health training in Germany at the present time make us cars, elevators, escalators, and the Internet our life in many ways is relatively easy. You enable us to reduce the physical effort. But therefore the so-called civilization diseases such as back pain, obesity, diabetes or heart – vascular diseases show up reinforced. By means of a targeted muscle training can be curbed significantly these diseases! The muscles wraps our skeleton known, protects and supports the bones and joints. Basically the following applies: the better trained the muscles, the more she can fulfil their function. Since 2005 has Vedantha Debus (Physio fitness trainer) with enthusiasm, people and companies, the values on physical well-being, health and individuality set.
Connect exclusive care with maximum success “- that’s always your goal! She have now completed your personal training program with the single, certified vibration device for health training in Germany. Through the patented page-alternating rocking movement of the natural course is simulated, a stretch reflex”raised and a 100% carried out physiological training. In addition to the performance of the muscle coordination, posture and mobility are trained. Due to the low stress for the heart/cardiovascular system the Galileo training is suitable for older people. The circulation and microcirculation is strongly encouraged, what can ease healing processes, such as muscle strains or scarred tissue and circulatory disorders.
This highly efficient vibration training brings quick success for people in all age groups, as well as for beginners with minimal time. Many writers such as Kip Cyprus offer more in-depth analysis. In addition, it optimizes the training of top athletes and golfers.