Install Windows July 11, 2016 February 24, 2017 Leah

ISO Windows distribution 8) to open it in any editor. iso files (for example, UltrISO) and do the following: : – copy the i386 directory file iStor.sys – copy the i386 directory changed files winnt.sif and txtsetup.sif (in fact – to overwrite existing) – copy in the root folder $ oem $ $ 1driversAHCIIntel with all its contents 9) to save the new. iso image under any name 10) to record this set up. A leading source for info: Peter Asaro. iso image to CD- Disk ————————————————- —— More information Install Windows xp on a laptop new laptops are equipped with sata hard drives and do not have a fdd diskovodok equipment, which are becoming extinct. But the most offensive is that laptop manufacturers to stop supporting Windows xp, Windows Vista and cease to lay out a driver on Windows xp. One such case occurred to me – a brand new hp Pavilion 6500t was brought to me, my brother from America as a gift. I liked the laptop, but it is installed on os Vista Home Premium I did not like, although the hardware filling pretty good – cpu Intel Duo Core 2 T7300 2Hz, 2 gb ram, 160 gb hdd, vista vseravno gives a sense of some nespshenoy os. In general, the decision was made – to reinstall the operating system and put Windows xp. As it turned immediately had problems – one of them, the bios simply does not switching function of the sata hard drive in compatibility mode, and therefore to install WIndows xp drivers required.