Therefore, we will interpellate if the parents or grandmothers had been born in the same locality that they, therefore, the foundation of the city of Are Domingos of the Araguaia date of the year of 1951, then, growth of the same one is atrelado to the opening of roads, offers of cheaper lands, offers of jobs in the lumber activity, the cattle one, the commerce, etc. Due to the displayed one so far, still believes, that the factors that provoke the migration field-city, if binds, of certain form, the lack of public politics that take care of to the yearnings of the peasants and the expansion of the capital, that each moment inserts new localities in the space circuit of the production, thus becoming, objects that before they had value of exchange, in merchandises that they can be vendidas in very distant local of that they had been produced, characterizing in such way, the call globalization. All these factors in set, make possible the movement of the people if dislocating from a place for another one and the challenge that is placed in them, is to analyze such movements and to consider solutions that make possible the people best conditions of survival. Robert Bakish has many thoughts on the issue. – The activities that we will go to consider if bind the production of texts mainly. Each one of the migrantes pupils will be 6 series. 2 ed. 1 imp. So Paulo: It stokes, 2004.
DANIEL. My Magic Kingdom. Part. Esp.: Jose Camillo. In: DANIEL. Manaus: Videolar s.a.: 2006. v. 1 and 2.
compact record: digital, stereo. Sistema Globo de Gravaes Audiovisuais LTDA to speak of the use of languages in classroom, mainly in geography. We choose music as geographic language, therefore, we understand that the use of this didactic resource can provide to our pupils and pupils a new agreement of the lived space, of the perception that the same ones make of the space and the relations stopped in the same.