Scientists have developed mobile batteries which can be charged in just 10 seconds. These new revolutionary mobile batteries will be recharged in 10 seconds instead of several hours and will save the hours of waiting. These mobile batteries are very useful especially when one is in a hurry and can’t wait more to charge your battery. The new mobile batteries to charge 100 times faster than conventional batteries of mobile and could also be used in phones, laptops, iPods and digital cameras within a few years. Why these batteries in mobile are revolutionary.
This technology could even allow an electric car that will be charged at the same time needed to fill a gasoline car. The mobile for fast charging batteries are the creation of the engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of technology. The MIT team say that his invention of mobile batteries using materials already available to the Mobile battery manufacturers and would be easy to produce in large candidades. The invention of these batteries for mobile is based on rechargeable mobile conventional conventional lithium ions encountered in most cameras, phones and laptops. Lithium ion batteries are used in portable devices, since they store a lot of energy into a small space. However, they are also relatively slow recharge that can be a nuisance for anyone who forgets to charge your phone overnight. The man who designed the new batteries, said that the batteries of electric cars have a lot of energy so that you can drive at 55 mph for a long time, but the energy is low.
You can not accelerate quickly. This scientist and his colleagues have found a way to speed up this process as they report several magazines. Conventional lithium-ion batteries contain two electrodes a made one carbon immersed in a liquid or paste called electrolyte and lithium. When the batteries of mobile are charging up, ions or atoms with positive charge flow from electrodes of lithium until the carbon. When a battery is discharged, the ions flow in reverse. Batteries for mobile charging or discharging of the batteries of mobile is u process slow because it takes time to separate ions of an electrode and absorb them into the other. The researchers took a conventional electrode iron phosphate lithium and changed its surface structure, so that the ions are released and absorbed 100 times faster than normal. The result of using this new technique could be load or download complete in only 10 to 20 seconds. Normal batteries of mobile of similar size take six minutes to load. Unlike other battery materials, the new material does not degrade when the battery is charging or recharging repeatedly. That could lead to the life of the batteries of mobile takes between two to three years.