Mobile Phones For Seniors January 17, 2016 April 14, 2016 Leah

Today, we can stay in touch with our closest people, our grandmothers and grandfathers. Almost every member of our family, both small and silver-haired, has its own mobile phone. At any time, we always can learn what and how our loved ones. They are our grandparents, always dial the number they need, whether it be a son, granddaughter or number of the nearest pharmacy. But we all know how hard it is to use common, familiar to us models. Poor eyesight, arthritis, bad hearing …

But mobile phone manufacturers, yet took up in earnest for this question. A regular phone, designed for the elderly, called the ETS 50 +. Mobile phone ETS 50 and executed a classic candy bar form factor. As is known, is lost with age, hearing acuity, and diminished vision, so the manufacturer has equipped their products with a loud speaker, large keys and a high- display. On the back of the phone is the button SOS, through which elderly people will be able to tell that needs emergency care. Or you can consider another model – Just5 CP11. Continuing to expand its range mobile phones aimed at the use of older people, the company Orbit Telecom introduced a new model, called Just5 CP11. This unit is primarily notable for its form factor.

Unfortunately, these Phones are not as popular in our stores. But they are there alternative of Nokia – the simplest models, such as Nokia 1200 or Nokia 1208. These models are good because they have a minimum set of features, easy to hand. large keys loud monotonous sound … In general, all to be comfortable in the hands of an elderly person. In any case, we must choose the phone to their loved ones and grandparents quite different parameters than currently.