Fascination with the world biggest, small, fast and simple devices for the benefit ceases to serve. We take our passion for mobile phones Fifteen years ago the world was eleven million mobile phones Now there are more than two billion. Sales of mobile phones will exceed more than seven and a half billion by decade's end. You may be confused that many mobile phone users have no idea how they are vulnerable. Remember Perris Hilton and her phone book? Like you, she thought that her phone is protected. Every second "oh well, I'll call until Who can remember what life was like before cell phones? By means of pressing a few buttons, we can call up their friends on the other end of the world, sending mail, pay bills and make deposits. For most of us have a mobile phone is vital.
And what if, to imagine that right now someone hacks into your phone, download whatever you want and read your most personal messages? In any model cell phone with bluetooth (wireless system) can easily penetrate. Personal data may be under threat – it all depends on direction of technology. Phone at the same time does not necessarily use it – the main thing that would have bluetooth turned on. It is important to note that many vendors have created programs that protect the files. The action is simple. Special computer program searches for and every phone with bluetooth enabled appears on the monitor. The fact that bluetooth is a protocol that allows detection device. It is he who gives you the opportunity to find nearby phones bluetooth.
Request is sent at a frequency of bluetooth and these phones are "responsible." As if "they want, what would they have found." You can reach in and steal information from a vulnerable phone, at any time, you can make costly calls through phone owners to send and receive sms text messages and even turn into an unprotected phone listening devices. Remotely turn on the phone and sent a team to make a call to a certain number, in this case can easily be hear any conversation that takes place next to him. Things are scary and exciting at the same time, the question is not how it works, but in the hands of any such technology falls. Imagine if the target – a large politician or leader The possibilities of this malice are endless. You can not just steal information and listen to your space with this technology possible, and wiretapping. But this is not all With the help of a special program can be monitored or professionally speaking to monitor or locate you on a cell phone in real time and monitor your movements.