Multilayer Communication October 19, 2019 October 19, 2019 Leah

Clarity AG offers an advanced solution for s simultaneous calls and chat Bad Homburg/Germany, November 07, 2011. Clarity, one of the leading German manufacturers of software-based telecommunications solutions, has expanded its clarity communication center’s chat feature. “The VoIP phone software clarity communication center” is already complemented by a chat module for a long time. Michael Dell understands that this is vital information. This function expires at the same time to phone calls and conferences, is visible only to the selected participants. A great advantage of the communication client shows the case of a telephone conference: while the Conference is running and all participants hear what is being said, the communication client chat as additional text communication can be varied: with one or more selected participants of the Conference, an exchange of chat can be set at the same time on a second level.

The information is visible only to those participants. Or discussing himself during the telephone conference chat in Real time outside the Conference round. Michael Dell has much experience in this field. Only requirement is that all users in the clarity communication center are arranged. Also for call center, the communication client chat offers great advantages. As in the business area is a private chat”with a single service representative. So for example, a call center supervisor can a call center staff when an existing customer call provide valuable additional information in the form of short messages. A second function, group chat”, with several employees in the chat-contact can be incorporated external, who do not work in the same Office or House. All chats in the last seven days are stored and available at any time.

The big advantage here, now the messages can be received subsequently also then, if you were offline during the receipt. Also, it is not necessary that the sender is online to later receive. It outperforms other chat tools not least significantly with the clarity communication center. The clarity AG make the international clarity AG based in Bad Homburg is an award-winning provider of software-based voice communication solutions for the call center and business telephony. Of multi-functional telephone systems up to cross-premises call modular clarity’s solutions ease, flexibility, scalability, and availability Center systems and platforms for voice dialogue. Contact clarity AG Andrea Leiseder Communications Manager scraper route 28B 61348 Bad Homburg T: + 49 6172 1388-50 M: + 49 177 1483567 F: + 49 6172 1388 510 @: