8,99 Euro more per month unlimited music Vodafone download further expands its music offerings and is now a music Flatrate without limit. For additional 8,99 Euro per month Vodafone customers from the music store may download want it so much music – and the mobile. What’s Special: The Vodafone music Flatrate works not only on many Vodafone live!-mobile phones, but also on PCs. This incurred no extra costs for mobile data transmission: this is subject to the tariff option “happy live! UMTS”, which is already free in the most run-time tariffs of Vodafone. The Vodafone music Flatrate is a rental model that leaves the music lovers in the set period of time, how many songs he downloads and whether he used his music on the PC or on your mobile phone.
She is a month’s notice. “We simplify access to music with the music Flatrate Vodafone. And that plays a crucial role in the life of our customers”, comments Volker glasses, Director Internet services Vodafone Germany, the new offering. “Another benefit is that you will from your mobile phone or from a manufacturer with its music collection, because our customer on different PCs and cell phones can use the music.” The management of downloaded music takes over the “Vodafone music Manager” on the PC along with the ‘Mobile Music Client’ on the phone. Both music Manager synchronize automatically, without requiring the phone to the PC to be connected. Thus, the complete music collection purchased from Vodafone is on various devices available.
Up to three devices, i.e., computers or mobile phones, can access parallel to the flat rate. Vodafone customers thus have the choice of easy-to-use music applications: “Vodafone music Manager” on the PC (heruterladen on the home page) “Mobile Music client” on the most current Vodafone live! cellphones both applications make it easier to select, listen to and download music with an intuitive interface. Alternatively, the customer may continue to single DRM free songs, 4 or 10 packages or Purchase albums. The prices are alternatively here between 99 cents for a song, 9.