Nokia Cell Phones March 31, 2014 July 9, 2014 Leah

A Description and review of the Nokia E72v follows. On the Nokia E72 is not a problem It is unlikely you will find another phone with features for working with documents, email, contact database and an interactive calendar. There are pre-applications for Microsoft Office and PDF files, to access the corporate VPN network for IM and negotiations. The whole interface is optimized for maximum efficiency in terms of workflow, not in vain apparatus belongs to the corporate family Eseries. Without a social life – anywhere Unlike their predecessors, E72 is better suited for social networking. If the earlier rate was maximal at work, now added to this fashion trend of socialization.

Now you can easily communicate in Facebook, Twitter, share video clips on YouTube, etc. with a convenient built-in clients. And in the menu there are special links that facilitate the operations typical social network, not Apart from the fact that the contacts are separate fields to specify your accounts of friends and acquaintances. Full keyboard ideal for text make it convenient to use such a serious arsenal of software, Nokia E 72 equipped with a full QWERTY keyboard that makes it comfortable and fast typing long texts and easy to correspond. For the busy person every second, and press the button several times to write one letter, it is not effective. You will appreciate the separate unit and shortcuts to the main menu, weekly, phone book and e-mail. Moreover, these buttons can be assigned to any teams, each understands two types of button presses, short and long.