Nuclear Delirium December 1, 2013 July 9, 2014 Leah

It amazes me to read the figures of delirious arms expenditure of the deschavetado President of Venezuela. Five billion dollars representing poorly counted approximately ten billion pesos is what Chavez only buy him to Russia in the coming months under the excuse of preventing and/or respond worthily to fixed imperialist aggression of the United States commanded from the recently installed in Colombia military bases. Between 2005 and 2007 Chavez already had purchased almost five billion dollars more on military equipment and that is why that even analysts and leaders prominent Venezuelan may not discover from where will the money come to pay this new Bill, coming to consider that it is not, but a new slapstick of Chavez to regain leadership in the region. Assault rifles AK-47, antitank rockets, air defense systems, rifles Kalashnikov AK-103, multipurpose fighters Su-30MK2, helicopters Mi-17B-5, Mi-28N, Mi – 35 M and Mi-26T, a fleet of the most advanced model of MIG-29 fighters, Varshavianka diesel submarines, tanks T-72, BMP-3 armored, aircraft patrol Il-114, launchers of missile of Smerch multiple mouths and systems of air defense S-300PMU-2 Favorit, Antey-2500 and Tor-M2E, Mirazh, landing craft Murena-E patrol boats and mobile coastal artillery systems capable of tilting ships up to 130 miles away, among other military equipment are part of those lush weapons orders from Venezuela to Russia. United States is concerned at this news because that part of weapons could go into the hands of the Farc and announces that it will not allow any aggression military in the countries of the zone, while Putin enters Venezuela as Peter for his house and Chavez increases a torrid relationship with Iran, a country which has developed an aggressive approach to Latin America campaign at where has opened two new embassies in recent years.

But the foregoing not caused so much stir if not had announced by the same Chavez who is thinking goes far beyond the wishes of a dictadorzuelo drugged with a pile of petrodollars. Chavez wants to put a nuclear power plant in the area! Clear, the said that nuclear energy would be in it has only peaceful and productive purposes! How is it going! Imagine Chavez’s owner of a nuclear power plant in South America! We would have to vacate the region or make us a card stating us as members of his Bolivarian movement or, in the worst cases, as supporters of the Farc! I needed no more! Tremendous near future waiting for us but the questions are: what will we do?!! What it will do United States really? What will it say Unasur thereon, after both bochinche that was made with the U.S. bases in our country? What they will think of all this OE, the European Union and up to the UN? Lastly, I am anxious to know the position of each of the candidates for the Presidency of Colombia front This already overflowing situation.