Ozone Therapy January 28, 2015 February 1, 2015 Leah

The twice winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine Otto Warburg (1931 and 1944) point out that entire cell mutates in less of 48 hrs., if the level of oxygen is decreased by 40%, this way found that hypoxia is a factor in cellular differentiation, since cancer cells using an anaerobic pathway, (less oxygen) for playback. Another factor influencing this disease is metabolic acidosis (glucose fermentation), by which the cell gets twenty times less energy. One of the main characteristics of cancer cells is free, generating a State of chronic oxidative stress, favoring tumor growth and replication of these radical activation. Numerous research studies have shown that ozone therapy increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, since it helps red blood cells release oxyhemoglobin, improving irrigation and nutrition to tissues. Ozone therapy, in this disease is directed to the stimulation of antioxidant enzyme system and the release of energy at the cellular level. Its mechanism of action is due to all the products of ozonation in blood release an enzyme called Glutathione peroxidase, precursor of other enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reduced, among others, same that activate the immune system, in other words stimulates the own antioxidant mechanisms.

Unlike other therapies ozone activates the release of interferons, cytokines, interleukins and factors of tumor necrosis that the body uses to fight infections and cancer. Ozone therapy increases the transfer of oxygen, ensuring not only increase the efficiency of radio therapy but also reduces the side effects of it to protect the healthy cells by their ability to enable anti-inflammatory mediators. Ozone therapy potentiates the therapeutic effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, indicating cancer cells and protecting healthy cells. How the? ozone signals cancer cells? Unlike a healthy cells, cancer cells lack the antioxidant enzymes, so it cannot synthesize oxygen. The mechanism of action of ozone is to oxidize and super oxygenate cancer cells weaken them and thus allowing a better effect of other therapies. Oxidative stress refers to the imbalance between antioxidants and radical free on the inside of the cell, where free radicals exceed the capacity of antioxidants, creating the ideal medium for the spread of cancer cells. Ozone therapy modulates this imbalance cell improving the ability to repair our cells.