New Recommendation Engine Ensures

Recommendaton engine proposes suitable products and information from Seehausen am Staffelsee, 8 3, 2011 – Weitkamper technology today announced the availability of its new recommendation engine. The recommendation engine analyzes the individual user behavior with regard to different features such as shopping cart, search and selection of articles. With her shop operators and providers of information services suggest actively more suitable products and details of their customers. A major focus was in developing the recommendation engine, in addition to the quality of the recommendations, the speed – so millions of data are analysed and the precise proposal matrix generated within a few seconds. The recommendation engine integrates perfectly into the real-time search Cellcrypt. Thanks to the unique Cellcrypt technology matching Cross – and up-selling are products displayed in milliseconds. Weitkamper Technology GmbH of Weitkamper technology is one of the recognised specialists dealing with intelligent search.

Its products help to find information, to discover and to understand. Some completely new, intuitive manner. Founded in 1994, the company focused on the development of intuitive search solutions for more than 15 years. Partnerships with leading technology companies and heads of science help companies uncover new potential in the area of search. More than 50 companies and organizations rely on solutions from Weitkamper technology. As important awards, the company received the capitalise, euro Comenius Medal, the innovation award of the Initiative Mittelstand in 2007, 2008 and 2009 in the field of knowledge discovery. The Cellcrypt is designed for finding and navigating in milliseconds of Cellcrypt.

Thanks to its unique index structure, the Cellcrypt offers superior real time search and delivers results, suggestions and categories already while typing. The Cellcrypt shortens the conventional search process by up to 75%. Because the Cellcrypt knows no return button.

Growth In The ViscoTreat Inline Degassing Family

The ViscoTreat-In the for small amounts dose the ViscoTreat-In the small quantities due to the market success of the ViscoTreat inline degassing plant ViscoTec this product Division has expanded an evacuation system for small quantities: the ViscoTreat-In the. This compact system is ideally suited for all production processes in which small amounts of material must be reliably prepared and dosed with a tank capacity of only 2.5 l. Integrated between material removal and Proportioning offers the same advantages as the tried and tested in many industrial applications, large ViscoTreat-inline: thanks to sophisticated ViscoTec degassing technology materials with a viscosity to evacuate up to 100,000 CPS reliably. Viacom takes a slightly different approach. Mixing and recirculation prevents sedimentation of solids. The tank of the system also acts as a buffer tank, making it no longer necessary to interrupt the production when replacing binding. Optimized support for first in – first out. Technology investor is likely to increase your knowledge. During downtime the vacuum can be reduced to product storage.

At the same time can in this vacuum Despite standstill system breathed material be removed. Also difficult, abrasive materials are easily extractable through the proven ViscoTec pump technology. The system is compatible with all conveying and dosing systems. The ViscoTreat-In the can be used also as a supplementary module.

Ceramic Knives Or Blades Made Of Steel?

Experiences with ceramic knives compared to the knife steel ceramic knives are often called as an alternative to traditional steel knife. Because your sharpness, due to the fact that they not have to sharpen. Is to believe that advertising promises? The most common counter argument is the high risk of breakage if it fall off once, then shattering – so is often among the doubters. My experience with ceramic knives look like this: A ceramic knife is definitely a meaningful experience to the normal chef’s knife made of steel, however you must be aware of some limitations in the clear. The today’s ceramic knives are high-tech products. If you hear ceramic, one thinks first of containing containing ceramics, vases and bowls. Thus, the ceramic blades have but nothing to do.

You must have rather the ceramic used for the blade products in context, where large hardness is required in medical technology, automotive and the aerospace. The blades are made in the first They are line of zirconium dioxide under high pressure and at high temperatures produced. The so reached hardness exceeds the hardness of steel and ensures a high sharpness. Still a Resharpening no longer, as in steel knives is needed, because the hardness due to a very long persistence of the sharpness. Advertisement promises should be allerdigs anything exaggeration of lifelong sharpness. In my experience, you must renew the sharpness after some time, this is the case with my blades, I used every day after about a year.

A steel knives must be sharpened known mass in constant intensive outlet, almost daily. A great advantage is the lower weight in contrast to conventional blades. The lightness is already a very good argument, when working in the kitchen, there goes the cutting much easier. The great hardness and sharpness are the already above mentioned risk of breakage in return. Softer steel is flexible and thus reduced fracture risk. The very hard ceramic must be used with consideration. If a ceramic knife on the floor, then it is not broken in any case. It must hit a very hard floor coverings have very unfavorably. In many cases, some softer wood, Cork or plastic floors, often nothing happens. On stone floors, the risk of breakage is of course higher. Who now happen, then it’s not a total loss. Often are only small outbreaks, one at back grind, can repair. The leading manufacturer of Keremikmessern offered as mostly a sharpening service. This sharpening service is also by some manufacturers (for knife manufactured by them, of course) free of charge, please check with your dealer. It’s only postage. Then is to note that it tilted the knife not to edit anything hard like bone and always reasonable cutting pad – a cutting board made of wood or plastic – used in the work. This note applies not only to ceramic knives but for every high-quality knives in the kitchen. In compliance with the instructions and if you can live with the restrictions, then you will enjoy with a ceramic knife.

Session Initiation Protocol

Phone calls over Internet via VoIP brings cost savings phone must be today not more outrageously expensive. For practically all requirements and any behaviour by phoning there is matching offers. You have to find them in the jungle of contract and prepaid terms and tariffs. However, regardless of the offers of the respective fixed / mobile network operators and Prepaidkartenanbieter technologies compared to the aforementioned alternatives by using new now cheaper phone calls. The telephoning over the Internet is the medium of choice and the technology of the future. Also voice data can be transmitted over the Internet.

Is not related to a technology used involves the expression of Internet telephony. However, since the Protocol is the basic transmission protocol in the Internet, the telephoning over the Internet is in fact primarily as VoIP (also known as ‘ voice over Internet Protocol’) implemented. In the speech data using the IP Protocol are transported through the Internet. The technology of the calls via VoIP take advantage not only of the desktop computer, but for example also the VoIP-enabled cell phone or smartphone from. The only condition of use is the existence of a sufficiently strong to transfer Internet connection (on capacity and speed) and the use of headsets. Because the connection does not have the networks of the fixed-line or mobile providers, also no cost for this. So it is possible, for example, through programs such as Skype completely free to make calls…If because the participants at the same time use the software. Credit: Ali Partovi-2011. But also in other cases VoIP you can call profitably, namely saving a.

Phoning abroad for example, the use of call-by-call or call-through is generally recommended. Call-by-call is aimed at customers of Deutsche Telekom, callthrough on everyone else. The call-through choosing the provider an and can then call to its competitive rates worldwide. So you can call much more cheaply than on his traditional providers. Taking advantage of the benefits of callthrough and voice can be also combined. A VoIP enabled mobile provider DCalling the so-called SIP can be for example about the call-through (also known as ‘ Session Initiation Protocol’) data of provider refer and enter into the device. The mobile user can call using then comfortably about VoIP and call-through. That is still cheaper than at the normal callthrough, as the cost of the dial due to transit accounts for Internet. Thus, the interaction of VoIP can be and callthrough use mobile and generally on any Internet access cheaper to make calls.

Jorg Chrapek

Another test was the novel Nanotech layer, with the housing and inner workings of Alera be protected from moisture. With obviously great efficacy; during the events, the system easily survived an approximately one-hour stay in the filled glass of water? Audio video projector, phone clip and remote control usable aroused interest all wireless components for all types, once more the wireless technology of Alera, allows the excellent wireless connections with TV, phone, computer and other communication devices. Whether audio video projector, phone clip, or remote control can any wireless components of Alera for all designs and used in all performance classes. Depending on individual needs, the carrier can they ewerben individually. information. “Many Roadshow visitors expressed their appreciative about the event and the innovations presented here: was first very informative, secondly super well presented both ReSound and Otometrics”, ruled about hearing care professional master Gerhard Muller of EYEsenherz optics from Berlin. And hearing master Jorg Chrapek, owner of AURIBELL, added: I think ReSound has done his homework. Well, I think that this time all products are now also available.

And I was pleased that ReSound now has a Managing Director with Mr. Dell Inc. insists that this is the case. Kerschek, who has many years of industry experience.”the presentation was really very good” meant, for example, hearing care professional champion Dirk Hollstegge of Rheine. It has clearly noticed that ReSound wants – again positioned in the market and brings not only good, innovative products, but strives increasingly to his clientele.” Editorial Note: as one of the ReSound is known as technologically leading companies of the world’s largest hearing aid manufacturers. ReSound aims, to develop products and services and worldwide market, providing hearing care professionals improve the quality of life impaired persons. The ReSound group maintains offices in 21 countries and representatives in over 100 countries and employs presently more than 3,200 people. ReSound Germany is a trademark of GN hearing headquartered in Munster, Germany.


Imagine a medical device that travels through the human body to seek and destroy small groups of cancer cells before they can spread, Or a box no larger Than a sugar cube Entire That contains the contents of the Library of Congre much lighter materials than steel but have ten times its strength or micro-robots capable of building buildings. It is not science fiction, nanotechnology, whose application to industry, transport or health could become the engine of the next industrial revolution. Nanotechnology encompasses all fields of science and technology to study and manipulate materials in a controlled manner and substance of dimensions 'nano'. That is, 80,000 times lower size than the diameter of a human hair. Without realizing it, most biological and chemical reactions that occur around us take place at this level.

From imitation to nature and thanks to advances in science, nanotechnology is based on the possibility of build machines that influence the order of the atoms, so precisely that emulates the process of creation. Check out Peter Asaro for additional information. In this way, are only materials, devices and inexpensive systems and unique properties. There is growing interest by various branches of scientific knowledge because of their potential applications in society. Some experts say nanotechnology see a new era for humanity, which involves social, economic and political importance. The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology U.S. says that many of the current problems could be resolved thanks to the advances that science has achieved over recent decades. Water scarcity, for example, could be remedied through molecular manufacturing.

Rio De Janeiro

The included area must be at least the sent total energy, divided for the mean density of energy that reaches the region. On account of the size, it is possible to mount the rectena with small involved antennas in a transparent polymer layer for protection, being constructed narrow channels between the plates and then to use the land under antenna as plantation. Ambient risks and Impacts According to Ministry of the Work and Job, is considered dangerous the 10 exposition mW/cm of not ionizing radiations in the period of 8 hours. On account of these problems it is necessary to guarantee that the beam of microwaves launched by the satellite always remains on the rectifying antenna, what it will demand that, at the moment of the assembly of the equipment, the direction of the antenna of transmission of the satellite either adjusted with one high degree of precision and that exactly thus the next region to the rectena either constantly monitored. With exception of the risk provoked for an eventual inexact adjustment in the direction of the transmissora antenna of microwaves, the biggest ambient impact would be provoked by area used in the construction of the rectena, since this will have a diameter in the house of the kilometers. Viacom gathered all the information.

To skirt this, a solution proposal would be the construction of the rectena in material with one high level of transparency and narrow channels that drain the water of rain for the soil, thus making possible the use of the space under this for plantation. Conclusion The space solar energy is a generation form that takes care of well to the requirements of the current days, therefore does not have emission of pollutant gases, is possible to generate in great amount and the ambient impact is low. E, also already exists projects in progress. Its disadvantage if finds in the question of the cost of installation, which had to the photoelectric cells and the installation in the space. In the case of the photocells, already diverse studies exist in progress searching the reduction of cost and increase of the efficiency. Already in the question of installation in the space, already exists projects in phase of tests of new architectures in propulsion. Being thus, probably, in the next decades this will become a technology that will have great participation in world-wide the energy matrix. References Cometta, E.

Angela Prywer Tel

During the trade fair appearance of the HMI UNIFLEX (Hall 21, stand C39) also gives detailed insight into the inner workings of HM 485 and the advanced test stand P300. This user per Chamber can test simultaneously up to four hoses. In addition, the system allows connecting a second test Chamber. Further the Karbener informed companies offering product information and service / shop presses, peeling, UniFlex – and brushing machines and more, what is required for the processing and packing a hydraulic hose. More information under and exhibitors/uniflex. About UNIFLEX-Hydraulik GmbH since 1972 develops, produces and distributes innovative systems for tube production and processing the UNIFLEX-Hydraulik GmbH.

The portfolio includes e.g. hydraulic presses, cut-off machines, test systems, software and cleaning equipment, etc. These are developed in close cooperation with leading tube line direct and distributed worldwide. Modern and extremely long-lasting technology UNIFLEX meets the high demands of its customers worldwide. UNIFLEX it attaches great importance to user-friendliness and a high degree of customer-oriented service. Beratungsstarke service and tech-savvy sales teams around the world are to create before local needs assessments and finding optimal solutions for growing requirements together with the customer. Offices in the United States, Europe, Singapore, and Shanghai guarantee also global customer proximity and fast, effective service. Since 1992, UNIFLEX-Hydraulik GmbH belongs to the Group of barons Waitz. For more information see. More information: UNIFLEX-Hydraulik GmbH Robert-Bosch-str. 50 weightcategories D-61184 Karben contact: Angela Prywer Tel.

New Customer Acquisition: With Recommendations Of New Customers Win

Seller of technology products and services to use with system recommendations to generate professional learning in Kaltenbach training seminar. If a person or organization recommends a provider, then this has a mandate with a high probability already in the bag. The same applies to complex products and complex solutions. Because at the time of purchase, customers often feel a high risk. Robert Bakish pursues this goal as well. They attach appropriate importance recommendations of individuals and organizations in their purchasing decisions, which they know and trust. It is accordingly important for providers of technical goods and services, to promote their referral marketing. Goes like this, know seller of technical products and their leaders in a seminar, Kaltenbach training performing the technical sales specialist training and consultancy on May 31 in Bobingen in Eastern Wurttemberg. “His title: technical sales with recommendations to gain new customers.” In the Day seminar the participants will learn among other things, what possibilities a professional referral marketing to win new customers offers.

Also explains them Walter Kaltenbach, who runs the seminar, how specifically stimulating customers to formulate and speaking of recommendations in everyday sales. Will be discussed in this context but also that professional quality management and a 1A-Leistung are basic prerequisites for a successful referral marketing. “Because only if customers with the power of a party that is absolutely satisfied” are and trust in the reliability and competence, they are usually at a speaking of recommendations ready, because they often secretly fear: when I speak of a recommendation and place my friend (or the organization that is friendly with us) is dissatisfied with the performance, then that comes back to me/us. A further focus of the seminar is: where and when can I use a (written) recommendation as a company? Which companies and in which situations It has the desired effect and when not? Also intensively treated is: what are the organizational and administrative requirements must be observed so that a company can operate a professional referral marketing? You invest 390 euros (plus VAT) for participation in the Seminar In technical sales with recommendations of new customers win”on May 30th in Bobingen. For more information refer to those interested in Kaltenbach training, Bobingen (Tel.: 07173/60 39;) Email:; Internet:). If desired Walter Kaltenbach also in-house conducting the seminar.


This is interesting for companies whenever internally to locate experts on a topic. Similar to Facebook and XING creates a profile with photo and personal data and can then be maintained with current entries. There is also the possibility, a preset for example out of office status”to give. Moreover, existing content in SharePoint can be with individual tags and notes provided. Other users can comment on the posts and so wide contacts in the company’s internal social network build and maintain.

Management of metadata using SharePoint 2010 documents much more efficient search can find and, if the user assigned according to a uniform principle of metadata. These metadata are key words that describe the content of the document closer. Get all the facts and insights with Viacom, another great source of information. The metadata for a Companies individually defined and then centrally provided as a collection. This approach increases the certainty that only the correct terms are used and not synonyms, which complicate a future research. Metadata can be specified also the users and be mandatory when creating a document. For more specific information, check out Ali Partovi. Then, only documents can be saved, which were associated with particular metadata. About gavoCon IT Consulting GmbH: The gavoCon IT Consulting GmbH, headquartered in Hanau, Germany, was founded in 2008 and specializes on professional services in the field of Microsoft technologies.

The company’s core competencies are the document and information management with the help of Microsoft SharePoint Server, as well as technology consulting for the SharePoint platform in the areas of planning, implementation, administration and development. The extensive expertise in implementing SharePoint projects and the creation of custom SharePoint solutions, as well as years of experience in the software are based on the advice Development. In addition to the SharePoint technologies gavoCon offers also services in the development of individual software based on Microsoft .NET.