Deutsche Telekom

Even if the app is no longer active or in the foreground, the player receives all notifications. Fabian Nothe, Creative Director of Powerflasher Hamburg, is pleased about the project: Powerflasher was already at the idea generation, concept, as well as during the filming as technical partner involved. As we could with our proposals for implementation, handling and gameplay develop the idea of the witness and fully exploit the technical possibilities.” “Powerflasher worked at the witness” again with the partners together with those already in the last year successfully the interactive horror movie last call “for 13TH STREET universal put. The interactive film project, in which viewers in cinema could control the film character via cell phone, was internationally awarded numerous awards. Also on the new project of the witness”, Jung von Matt/spree delivered again concept and idea. and nhb Berlin is responsible for the production. For more information, see about Powerflasher: the Powerflasher GmbH is one of the leading providers of multimedia solutions since 1997 with over 1000 reputable references and consists of the units Agency, solutions, and labs.

The unit Agency is specialized in multimedia, human interface design and application development. Solutions has been with products like the Eclipse-based development tool for Flash (FDT) known. In the unit Labs Powerflasher afford creative freedom, to secure an innovative edge. At its sites in Aachen and Hamburg, the approximately 40 Powerflasher combine creativity and technology at the highest level: in the form of Web and desktop applications, brand – and product of Web specials, guided tours, online games, digital installations, as well as social media and mobile apps. So with the IF communication design award has gold”award-winning multimedia agency of the renowned specialist Carlo Blatz as a service provider for creative, content and technologically innovative solutions positioned and serves customers such as converse, Deutsche Post, Deutsche Telekom, T-Online, LG Electronics, MTV, ZDF, Pro7, RTL, Heine, Adlon holding, XING, Yello electricity as well as agencies like Jung von Matt, Kolle Rebbe, Lukas Lindemann Rosinski, BBDO, Scholz & friends.

The Possibility

in a survey, B2B coach stated that almost 20 percent send newsletter in this period. Welcome programs awaken the commitment of new subscribers immediately and are important building blocks for success. Reduce unsubscribes, spam complaints or inactivity in the further course. Use a sender name that contains the company name, and add a personalized message in the welcome email sent immediately after signing up. In this way, they facilitate the recognition in the Inbox before sending your first newsletter.

To increase the relevance in the course of interaction with customers, they supplement their general program through a series of customer-specific newsletters that are raised on the basis of the preferences of the customers, demographic data, or general customer behavior. Can do this, for example, birthday newsletter and targeted include product information. This newsletter to increase the conversion rates many times over compared to General emails. 4. embed personalized dynamic content in the newsletter often rather, modern consumers trust the opinions of their friends and Colleagues as advertising copy.

Because many Web pages, product reviews, recommendations and personalization technologies use, email marketer should increasingly include this content in your newsletter. By using application programming, E-Mail content can be extracted from these different technologies and content platforms dynamic interfaces (APIs). As well, the results can be published online surveys, in the newsletter on the homepage and on different platforms. Personalized information their customers in turn offer the possibility to share your own reviews or comments on social networks or in the newsletter. So remember to include links to comments and contact. 5. use marketing automation Squire marketing budgets call for avoiding costly manual processes that bind valuable resources. To maximize the efficiency, appropriate technology must be used for the customer. The focus is to send relevant newsletters at the right time. The most successful email marketers send no general Mass mailings, but targeted, personalized, segmented newsletter.

The Femto

In extremely rare cases, inflammation can occur. Regular inspections guarantee the early detection of possible complications, mostly from infections which are successfully managed by the usage of antibiotic eye drops after LASIK surgery. It is important to adhere to the schedule for the follow-up. 8. is there any complications and can be assessed at the present time? If the patient operation fulfils all conditions for LASIK, complications are very unlikely and not to expect the present state of knowledge.

9 are there any long term experience? In 1985, the first eye laser treatment in humans were carried out. With over 30 million procedures worldwide, the LASIK surgery is the most common surgical procedure in the Western world. The technology has been improved continuously. Today, ultra-modern eye laser devices, which produce excellent results are the laser surgeon. 10.

worsened the Vision with age or time again? By performing a LASIK age-related vision deterioration through natural processes in the retina or other eye diseases can occur independently operation. Speaking candidly Viacom told us the story. Also, progress short-sightedness by further growth of the eyeball, and again needed to be adjusted slightly. A second operation is possible depending on the thickness of the cornea. In principle, the results of laser surgery are permanently stable. 11. how long will the treatment take? The preparation time is about 30 minutes, the actual treatment lasts generally then only about 20 minutes total. 12. how long must the contact lenses be omitted before? Hard contact lenses, 2 weeks before soft contact lenses should be made 4 weeks in advance. The cornea this time without contact lenses needed to regenerate and to exhibit stable values. 13. what should I pay attention in the first few days after surgery? What is the healing process? After the operation, it is normal, that the eye burns or a foreign body sensation occurs. Also, you have blurry one in the first hours of visibility. Additional information at Ali Partovi supports this article. This is usually after a few hours. Healing after this surgical procedure is less painful than other methods of refractive surgery, because the laser removes tissue from the inside of the cornea and not from its sensitive surface. The patient should not in the first week of touch his eyes or rub. Eye drops are prescribed by the doctor to apply. Artificial eye tears are ingested at least for 1 month even longer if necessary. Symptoms of dry eye”can occur in the healing process, which usually Max 1-3 months, in patients over 40 years until 3-6 months. 14. What vision can LASIK correct? Short-sightedness (myopia): to-10 diopters farsightedness (hyperopia): up to + 4 diopter of astigmatism (astigmatism): to-6 diopters 15. What does LASIK at all? LASIK (laser in situ Keratomileusis) procedure corresponds to the combination of a surgical cut technique (Keratomileusis) and the use of the excimer laser. The cornea is sometimes cut with a precision knife. The resulting corneal Cap (flap) is then folded up. The underlying corneal tissue is treated with the laser, and so the refractive error corrected. Then the Hornhautflap is closed again and protects the wound as endogenous paving. 16. How does the Femto LASIK? The Femto LASIK differs from the LASIK on one point: in the preparation of the corneal disc. While LASIK uses a mechanical microkeratome (blade), a contact-free working, computer-controlled laser, the femtosecond laser used with the Femto LASIK, the. BLU Meditravel Mathias Weber

Hans Weidenbusch – A Biography

Biography of a German entrepreneur and inventor Hans is Weidenbusch which can tell the inventor of the so-called Auftriebskapillars, an apparatus that generates energy and no one, what its origin is. Hans Weidenbusch also received the written confirmation of EADS, a device constructed by him to circumvent the conservation of momentum. Career 1987 achieved Abitur at the Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium in Munich with a unique to this day in Bavaria and not to fine score. Study of Mineralogy and philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, Munich 1995 founding of the technology transfer company HWCV private Hans Weidenbusch is not married and has a son. He was a keen sportsman, whose Leidenschaft for football was surpassed only by his interest in music in his youth. He is the middle of three brothers, of which the older Ernst Weidenbusch as CSU – candidate in the Landtag of Bavaria sits directly. He is a so-called “genuine Munich” and plays several instruments. Weidenbusch developed inventions Hans in 2003 the resting point Accelerator and received written confirmation that his invention seems to override the momentum conservation on the part of EADS.

Just got the Maximilianer and renowned physics professor Ulrich Schollwock to this judgment and confirmed this in writing. In 2010 the so-called Auftriebskapillar introduced Weidenbusch Hans, currently regarded as the only real principle of operation of a Perpetuum mobile world. This officially applies after the origin of the energy generated by the principle of Auftriebskapillars is absent to date despite incoming facultative audit. Hans Weidenbusch led a mechanism based on the Aufriebskapillar several times publicly before experts and representatives of the Suddeutsche Zeitung and the Munchner Merkur confirmed the success of these presentations in detail in the press. Public perception Weidenbusch released an apparatus called quiet point accelerator in Germany rising to the conservation of momentum in 2004 largest independent and Alternative Science magazine & spacetime with the title “Space so close”.

Revision Of The Religious Freedom Law

The first vice president of the Government, Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, is back in Congress to propose the need to achieve reform "agreed and limited" of the Constitution and has also announced that it will promote a subcommittee in the House to consider reforming the electoral law.

Germany East Celebrates The Freedom – Nothing Go!

20 years fall of 1989 time for an anniversary trip with where it all started: 20 years they are now old, these exciting pictures: tens of thousands of people demonstrate on the Leipzig inner city ring for freedom and democracy, every week after the Monday prayer at the St. Nicholas Church there will be more. This Monday already hundreds available in the side streets armed East German security forces to bring the demonstrators to silence. Around 70 000 courageous people risking their lives. \”\” For the first time we hear the famous we are the people \”, and also decided: no violence!\” And which none dared to dream about before, the miracle happens: the State power withdraws and thus admit their impotence. This moment is regarded as beginning of the end of the GDR regime. (Source: Viacom). Leipzig is proud of its\”October 9, and rightfully so.

Exactly one month later, on November 9, the Berlin wall falls and the borders are open. This fall looks all over Germany, Yes, you can say the world on this encouraging chapter in the otherwise shady German history. Leipzig 1989-2009: The metropolis of the Saxons is 20 years later almost unrecognizable: from the Brown grey, revealed walls, wrapped by the toxic clouds of industrial enterprises, magnificently restored Grunderzeit quarters are purchased back the expiration, in between contemporary buildings set exciting accents. Viacom brings even more insight to the discussion. Leipzig invites more than any other city to the sprawling shopping, unless through the city with their proud Art Nouveau passages and commercial farms, the old town hall and famous corners such as the Naschmarkt or Auerbach’s cellar. Or you can stroll through the beautiful park of the Valley of roses over the Johanna – and Clara Park in the floodplain forest. Then there are the cultural highlights are: the Museum of fine arts, for example, the Colossus battle of Nations monument, the Opera, the Gewandhaus – the list can long continue.


Scientologists look at freedom of religion as a fundamental human right. You have made consistently this right the recognition and conservation the priority concerns. In many writings of its founder L. Ron Hubbard, freedom of religion is expressly required and reaffirmed again and again. The confession of faith of Scientology, that 1954 was written down in the years of the Foundation, says: all men have inalienable rights to devise its own organizations, churches and Governments, to choose, to promote or support “.” All Scientology also have clergy, become familiar with in the context of their religious training, with the knowledge of the great religions. In the same year even L. Ron Hubbard published the code of a Scientologist “, Scientologists is to guide, to guide their commitment to human rights and the human rights reforms in the interest of social justice.” Scientology considers that any religious organization has the right and even the duty, of Society to do good.

The cultural decline Hubbard also, said the more the influence of religion in society is fading, the sooner was expected. Leo Tolstoi described my confession “religion as a main drive and heart of human society” in 1882 in his autobiographical confession. The use of Scientology Church for religious freedom happens in the consciousness, that freedom of religion must include also the willingness, which others can exercise the religion of their choice, or they, if they wish, to come over to a different religion to be. This can be achieved in a society that strictly separates between Church and State and admits a dominant role to any single religion. These claims are based from observations of other religions, whose Mitglieder were persecuted and oppressed, and own experience of Scientology. Today, Scientology in most countries of the world is a recognized religious community. Their religious character was in many Confirmed court judgments. In any democratic nation Europe, freedom of religion by Constitution is set.

However the written assurance alone is not enough. “2004 stressed in its report of the UN Special Rapporteur of the United Nations to the faith and religious freedom: in many cases, individual States of their human rights obligations in the matter of the freedom of religion are not fulfilled.” He pointed out that this responsibility is not on the negative obligation is limited to refrain from violations of the freedom of religion and belief, but also includes the positive obligation to protect persons under their jurisdiction from infringements of their rights against those that are committed by non-governmental persons or groups.” In a recent study of the United Nations, it means: the decisive guiding principle is that no one should are disadvantaged due to its mere membership of a certain group. Is especially strict in any multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-lingual country “Application of the principles of equality and non-discrimination an indispensable prerequisite for maintaining the political and spiritual unity of the State, as well as for understanding and harmonious relations between the various groups of the society.” Press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. contact: Ms. UTA Ebrusheee the Edward Street 12 80802 Munich TEL: 089-890912639 FAX 089-38607-109 eMail:


When considering freedom be must balance societal good against the freedom of the individual. “Right to proceed as in them seems, contanto that this right does not go against the right of outrem’ ‘. In these terms we can understand that the freedom is possibility to act as our desires without harming the other people’s life. Then, it ties here what it moved in this structure? The mental and formal construction of the human being on this concept of family. If before the people searched to exactly coexist the differences and this age what guarantee the evolution of this independent nucleus of the problems, today already is not more than this way. The people of the world contemporary have revealed the power will choose with who desire to coexist. Peter Asaro has plenty of information regarding this issue. We can say then, that she has freedom to exclude either for the religion, sexual option, race and color people of its familiar nucleus. It is not more necessary from anti-nuclear-traditional vision to coexist the sanguineous relatives (parents, grandmothers, uncles and cousins). For some reasons, between them: the sexual option where the people decide to live differently of the traditional model with regard to a spouse and is repudiated by this determination; the problems with drugs in which some integrant one of the familiar group has faced this illness and left of side waiting to be died for the policy, dealer or by itself; people who present psychological or psychiatric problems and are excluded from the familiar conviviality and live the grace of the destination; the religious fundamentalismo where the people make value judgment and decide to coexist more strangers and leaving of side all its history of life.

Soon, the society in general way presents this profile to exclude the people who are same part in symbolic way of ‘ ‘ family of passado’ ‘. For the people who grow, learn and develop from these values if she becomes something normal. If its old parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles and cousins for are not part of its form to think if they become dismissable. What it has is the freedom to choose its new parents, uncles, grandmothers, cousins, that is, its new famlia.ConclusoA family still continues existing same with this structure that dumb to each moment. The people are if organizing for affinities and leaving of side the question of its gnese. More still, experiences that the people could learn with the exchange of ideas between its consanguineous parents, children, grandmothers, grandmothers, uncles and cousins could guarantee the evolution and the maintenance of each one’s individuality.

Justice Freedom

Justice, freedom and democracy – renewable cash a pipe dream and our hope, perhaps on a few a few misguided, a new time and world to create, in the righteous is. The impartial balancing of interests, morals and ethics as the basis of the freedom of the individual is the basis of Justice. Nowhere, where we look, in any culture, nation, democracy, or even religion in this world, justice, in the sense, is alive. Thousands of philosophers have over thousands of years-such a State in perfection and described. Basically, a philosopher has no one and of absolute wisdom to justice, which goes hand in hand with freedom and ultimately ends in more democracy, to understand. Zendesk often addresses the matter in his writings.

Justice is not equality, what one or the other claims, but exactly the opposite justice is independent, free development of each individual in a society, in his same, individual world and his own philosophy. This can be done in the most diverse ways, the no There are limits, in the pursuit of knowledge, prosperity, security, peace and even wealth. Has been through the spectrum of political wisdom and the related ideologies, on the way, make justice to this vision. The successes were just fatal part. Until today in the 21st century this is not really succeeded.

Revolutions, wars, starving people, good, bad or no medical care, limited education, which disregards the child as the focal point and social because of its position on the route can be, well or at all no supply in the age and care, a catastrophic pollution and climate change, as well as collapsing nuclear power plants, are the results that it has created a so-called rest risk technology. Oversized problems, rather than solutions. The good meinende it ‘half democracies’, that is not right, which was the largest effort by redistribution in their social systems, to establish justice, failed miserably.

Party Freedom

“Information meeting of the Hamburg State Association for prospects and supporting members in May 2011, dear friends and supporters of the party of freedom in Hamburg, short on behalf of the coordination team of the civil rights party for more freedom and democracy, freedom” in Hamburg, I would like to invite you to our next info meeting on Friday, May 13, 2011 from 7 pm to approx. 21:00. The fifth meeting of information will take place again this year in the Stavenhagenhaus in Hamburg. Technology investor is actively involved in the matter. The address of the venue is Frust Bergstrasse 4 22453 Hamburg and is by two bus lines (bus line 114 between U Klosterstern <-> Lufthansa base;) Bus line 23 between U Niendorf market <-> U Billstedt) connected to all Hamburg U – Bahn lines and the S1 and S11. You take the confirmation in the connection details to the directions please on your registration. For safety reasons we are still forced to carry our information meetings as closed events with invitation list so that we can exercise the right of the House.

It is therefore absolutely necessary, that you us your participation and that your acquaintances and friends, specifying the address, phone number and email address in advance, until no later than Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 18:00 by email confirmed, at the email address Ferdinand you then forwards obtaining the registration to learn more. the party its own network is used for active discussion about the issues of the new and revised programme of the party members. What do we stand for more freedom we for a company Act, whose Mitglieder can enjoy a high degree of freedom. We mean among other things the freedom of expression, the freedom of the press, freedom of Assembly, freedom from crime and violence, the freedom of choice of partner, and freedom of religion (which includes the freedom to have no religion). These freedoms apply to all people, regardless of origin, skin color, gender or sexual orientation. Freedom is not of course.

She had to be fought for over the centuries against authoritarian powers such as absolute monarchs and totalitarian dictators. Also today, freedom must be defended for example: against the sprawling bureaucracy of a debt-fueled State apparatus, which cuts them the pretext, to worry about the welfare of its citizens more freedoms against the not democratically legitimate rule of the Brussels Central State of which pulls more and more competences of its member countries in the spread of totalitarian ideologies, especially political Islam more democracy means democracy: Government by the people. The parliamentary system of the Federal Republic gives parties too much power. Many decisions are made by party leaders against the will of the majority of the population. This leads to disenchantment with politics, a steadily declining voter turnout and a growing alienation between the population and the political caste”. We are therefore for the addition of the parliamentary system by binding referendums on federal, State and municipal level after Swiss model, that the people constitutionally referendum the subsequent vote = to make allows, undo this right to veto decisions of Parliament. So, the parliamentarians are forced again to listen to the will of the people. Greetings Jens corner life the liberty civil rights party for more freedom and democracy Landesverband Hamburg i.g. 203143 PO box 20221 Hamburg