Delicate Questions

My concern in elaborating this material if directed for the search of some thing that represented the sacred one for the gypsies, or that it could have remained in the imaginary one of the society on them. I referred it the text of the Vesta Daniel who speaks on the characteristics of the community act and on the influence of the African inheritance still to reverberate in Brazil through the sensorial espiritualidade. I was felt inspired in the work made in the Kwanza Playground, in Columbus, Ohio, and mounted a sequncia of photos composed of seven pillars made with crystal rocks and a sequncia of letters of Egyptian taro, that gradual went being mounted, as a way to display tradition through symbolic and sacred objects for the gypsies, seen for mine the proper vision of these objects was a form to make to reviver the cigana culture. We see that hibridizao also is old thing. The use of the taro crosses centuries since pitonisas Egyptian until today, in convivncia with diverse cultures. In the posterior meeting for assembly of the video we evidence that our group exerted non linearity. The creativity of each one arose in the quarrels and the volume of the material produced made in them to advance more per three weeks, to make the election of the photos and the edition.

As the important one is the process, the individual and collective knowledge was constructed. Slide of an installation, intitled Auditorship for Delicate Questions comes, me to the memory in this end of work, that shows chairs installed in the rapids of a river. The interpretation made for the Lda teacher, of whom ' ' all we are marked by our vises of world, for values incorporados' '. This image it echoes and it signals the complexity of the field of research in community, reaffirming that our study it remains as an audience for delicate questions. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE BASTOS, Flvia. Celebrating autorias: art, daily community and in Art-Education. Dossier Educao and Visualidades.

Goinia: 2006. Viacom may find it difficult to be quoted properly. CANCLINI, Nestor Garci’a. Hybrid cultures: Strategies to enter and to leave modernity. So Paulo: Edusp.2003, chapter: The Stage of the Popular one? pg. 205. DANIEL, Vesta. Components of the Community Act the Sources of Pedagogy. Dossier Educao and Visualidades. Trad. Leda Guimares. Goinia: 2006. GRALIK, Thais. Art-Education in After-Modernity and Visual Cultura. ANNALS V Frum de Scientific Pesquisa in Art. School of Music and beautiful Arts of the Paran. Curitiba, 2006-2007. SHUSTERMAN, Richard. Living the Art: Aesthetic the Pragmatista Thought and the Popular one. Trad. Giselal Domschke. Publishing company 34.

Pioneering Front

(IT HISSES, 2005) During the decade of 40, in I specify during the 2 World-wide War, again the Acre if the gumfera economy becomes a strategical point in relation, that is, he is the known one as I occasion of the acriano rubber. However, this period was short and again after the esfacelamento of the world-wide conflict, the situation of them you inject acrianos comes back to the esquecimento and decay happened of failure before the competition in the market with the rubber produced in them you inject Asians of Malaysia. Thus, gradual seringueiros pass in fact to be set free to the agricultural production and of creation of animals. Still in this context the government starts to implement politics of familiar reassentamento, creating the located agricultural colonies in the neighborhoods of the cities and was originated from injects dispossessed. During the decade of 60 and 70, the Acre starts to be white of the Pioneering Front of the Cattle one, that in this period it found in the acriano territory a context Prospero to implement its ambitions. It is evident that this process was demonstrated more as a period of great agrarian speculation, a time that many of ' ' paulistas' ' the innumerable facilitations and subsidies offered for the government had only been possessed of and of the prices offered for the acrianas lands that if demonstrated irrisrios and disconnected with the practised actual value in the market. Another flow of povoamento and settling of the acriano territory was established by ' ' paranaenses' ' , that they were destined to the Acre in search of a better life, been deceptive for false propagandas of agrarian speculators. In set with this reality of the flow of happened people of the center-south of the country for the Acre, a local reality existed where some families needed to regularize or to possess a place to work and to accomplish its experience.

Portuguese Language

This singular aspect lead to a fight for the regional identity (cultural, religious or of being able) evidencing itself that, for the pressures politics, econmicas, racial or religious, it led to the sprouting of conflicts in the interior of these States, consisting in the primordial geopolitical aspects of one ' ' nova' ' conflitualidade (Fisas, 2004, pp. 52-62). The Community of the Countries of Portuguese Language. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source. A Maritime Community the eight State-members of the Community of the Countries of Portuguese Language in common possess a language and an extensive description-cultural base identify that them and differentiate mutually. But they also make use of vast maritime areas under the respective national jurisdictions, that perfazem in its joint one about 7,6 million km2 of sea, meaning about 2,5% of the maritime surface of the globe and materializing a imensido of commercial routes, strategical resources and of geoestratgicas and geopolitical potentialities that matter to know and to harness. As it comes arriving at our knowledge, and in agreement the progressos technological and scientific they are more evidentes, takes conscience of that the Oceans constitute a basic source of resources for the development and the economy of the marginal countries, particularly for the coastal communities that on them depend directa indirectamente or, want either in the daily econmica activity of subsistence or in the extractiva industry, involving raised economic interests. In this intention, we believe that the adequate and balanced management (supported) of the resources contributes, in measured wide, for the stability of the nations and the reinforcement of the relations of sovereignty between the countries that constitute the Community, contributing still for the consolidation of the proper CPLP, as it guarantees of the values of the development and the peace in the spaces of the Lusofonia. A stronger organization is an organization that conscientiously defends the interests of its State-members, looking for strategical convergences that consolidate the values politician-diplomatists where it seats the cooperation for the supported development and the security guard partilhada, adoptees since its creation in July of 1996, a true Community to the service of the state-members. .

The Use

Later the Jesuits had been expulsos, however, its influence front the native civilizations already would have been enough strong to modify significantly the cultural characteristics of these peoples, being arrived to form the known population as caboclo, that in turn they had had importance for the materialization of the first economic activities in the region, these developed production for subsistence, and the possible excesses were changed in the Amazonian rivers for figure of the retail dealers, thus had the picture of the exploration of the drugs of the hinterland. (IT HISSES, 2005) ' ' drugs of serto' ' they had been one of the first activities of economic exploration of the Amazon region, however, only in century XIX that effectively this portion of the Brazilian space starts to have a strategical value, and, therefore, significant target of exploration, was the discovery of the use of the rubber and its importance to take care of the necessities of world-wide the consuming market. In this context, it is had inside installation of the extrativista company of the rubber and of this logic new ' ' atmosfera' ' of politicosocial relations man-man and man-nature will be materialized in interfluxo of the interaction. Pete Cashmore often addresses the matter in his writings. Front to this new logic where if it configures the implementation of the extrativista company of the rubber, a new relation based on the desmedida exploration of the seringueiro is accomplished, by intermediary of the merchandise dispatched system was polarized the flow of wealth of the interior of the forest for the regions of Belm and Manaus, and the seringueiro lived in a desumano system of exploration where the debt acquired with the seringalista hardly could be paid, latex was an absolute in power mechanism to keep the seringueiro in the forest collecting. The flow of wealth conquered during what he was known as the first one I occasion of the rubber, had a hard blow you inject when them in Malaysia had started to produce a product of better quality and next to the commerce centers, that is, the Amazonian rubber starts to compete with a superior product in the market and the result is the gradual bankruptcy of the system of rubber exploration implanted in the Acre. .

Politics Is Not An Exact Science

“Politics is not an exact science,” Otto von Bismark said in this regard, the methodology is not always accurate. The political consulting is” a diagnosis of specific situation through analysis of both technical and political. We help with the mapping of the actors, explores the political map and decide a strategy that is unfolding in the field, which we present to the client to give you an idea of what what to do and how you can do; coach is the client, we are political operatives, “said Almaraz, who himself is a former senator.” Customers often think: ‘I know that official, that legislature, this is my friend’, but not always know the most suitable for handling situations, and only we’re going to take time and we’re going to lose, “he added. Swarmed by offers, Mashable is currently assessing future choices.

Thus, it is best known to specialists in the field legislators and present the problems that can lead to the proposal that are driving, that is, made suggestions to improve their initiatives, with solid arguments, the result of this consultancy, “he says. Politics is not rocket science but an art: Otto von Bismark’s political consultants require a certain profile, “mostly we are people coming from the public sector, former legislators, former staff and account operators are young people with training in political science, some of them are good for the field, other for the cameras and others to develop strategies, “says Almaraz. Meanwhile, the lawyer Capuano asserts that to be a good consultant in politics is necessary to surround himself with experienced people and that can provide new knowledge to the task of politicians.


This trustworthiness if also bases on the recognition of its ability, given for the experience, continuity of action in the requested areas, the given answers the demands of the society and to the fulfilment of the attributions front to the governmental politics. To take care of to the new domnios of the metrologia 15, the functions of the State how much to the public politics that involve the measurements, to give to continuity the permanent actions of metrolgico control, they demand the cited ability. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source. Recently, was extended the use of the prescribed measurements 16 a bigger field in the control of the environment, natural resources, health and security and measures in the areas of the medicine in order to guarantee reliable greater not simply degree by means of specific regulations and for subjective criteria, and to use them in these areas correctly, we must understand the concept of ' ' principle of precaution 17 ' ' on the possible risks to the health and the environment and to develop a strategy to quantify them in appropriate way, a time that the measures in these fields is that they will give to the authorities the feasible elements for the taking of decisions. The metrolgico control praised here is not destined to analyze the risks and yes to give elements that allow to inside discern that from one cited system, the parameters defines that it are in accordance with the declared information, and that they had been measured in trustworthy way (process of measurement and attainment and evaluation of the results), inside of the regulated tolerances, a time that the interpretations of 18 risks of technological origin, as well as, the proposals of management of the same ones, they are not resultant of technological processes, only, but also social, that they will finish for determining a society project. The technologies with 19 the electromagnetic waves are recent and at the moment not yet it is possible, or due to information or same of disposal, the affirmation of them the health is really harmful, even so they are known and measurable. . For even more opinions, read materials from angel investor.

Negative Thoughts

It tries to remember those experiences that you have lived and that fill to you of satisfaction. In which experiences of your life you have received love, recognition and congratulations? Lstalas next (it deals with ubicarte in when it was, in what stage of your life, writes how it was, if it is possible, with all the details that you can) Where you want to be in 1,5 or 10 years? You must know in clearly what is what you want for your life. Most important to construct map towards your dreams is to have an intention released in objectives and I put clear towards which to aim. Enfcate in what to you it does happy and not you forget to be concrete and specific since the more clearly it is the future that you are designing in your mind, the more clear they will be the options that will appear to you so that you can choose that it is what the more agrees to you. Tomato all along that you need to answer these questions.

If you find that you are joined in some of them, you are not hopeless, always you can return later to preguntrtelo. I hope that these questions help you to harness your self-esteem so that of that form you can begin to take the actions will take that you to the change which you need. It depends on you! How it has hit in you east article? Djame your commentary and you free do not forget inscribirte in weekly bulletin strategies in. With love, Ani Side On Ana: Ana Cecilia Side is the founder and director of the vestibule Towards which you want to be one of the Web sites more important of coaching Hispanic of Internet. She educates a thousands of people who look for to become leaders of themselves so that they manage to be, to do and to have what they wish with smaller effort and major effectiveness. Through practices and powerful strategies them aid to discover and to connect themselves with its inner potential, inspiring them to obtain its dreams from a gratitude emotion, passion and love by the life. visit to receive the report free " " 4 Steps To surpass Negative Thoughts that Prevent Avanzar&quot you; ".

The Challenge Of Competitiveness

There is no question that countries can not escape the challenges generated by international competition becomes increasingly aggressive, moody, and has given way to manifest the power of large economic blocs that seek to conquer new markets and ensure stability in their economies. Point is stressed that nations are linked to the international economy through trade and goods of services, prices of commodities and capital flows. In notes published by IESA (Venezuela: Competitiveness Challenge, 1994) notes that experience in developing countries, in the age of 80 was revealed that attempts to isolate an economy can have highly detrimental effects. In the modern world, countries may try to flee the global economy, but can not hide. No doubt this is true for small countries, where costs generated by economic isolation in terms of unproductive rent-seeking and efficiency losses can be substantial for developing countries, where any loss of efficiency usually implies greater poverty.

The evidence of a critical scenario like the one currently facing Venezuela, guaranteed by uncertainty, risk, inflation, instability, significant impact of the economic variables, loss of values, a weak banking system, high interest rates on cards claims, misappropriation of capital, rampant corruption, insecurity, violence, health deterioration of Venezuelan education leaves much to be said, lack of coherent plans by the government, hunger, unemployment, among others, entails that one must evaluate the relevance competitiveness, not copying foreign models, but playing the economic and organizational behavior productive than Venezuela has today can not ignore the fact that companies in the country have been hit by high interest rates, the impact of variable surrounding contingencies by uncertainty about the direction of the country that consistently demonstrates instability in their actions, no clear economic program, focusing on their goals, philosophies, strategies, cutting expansion plans to cope with the recession to the foregoing must be added history that there has been a general lack of competition from domestic firms and even foreign, that enhances efficiency, develop new products or invest in its workforce, to better prepare their personnel, training and adapting their knowledge to their environment. Viacom may help you with your research.


Word of the banner with the English language can be translated as a banner, flag or banner. The most widely it gets no outdoor advertising, where, in fact, there was the concept, namely in advertising over the Internet. In Internet as a banner usually use dynamic image format flash or gif. Most often, online banner advertising placed directly in view, and moreover, any banner links to a page the same or another site, which is advertised. With the help of a banner can be advertised himself online resource, and product or service described on this site. Banner advertising was virtually ubiquitous on the Internet, because is the most convenient and time efficient way to advertise the site. On how the banner is designed, where it is housed, and determine the effectiveness of advertising campaign. Details can be found by clicking Viacom or emailing the administrator.

Banner should be visible, bright, and that very importantly, unobtrusive, not irritating. Banners should be as professional placement – a strategic and purposeful. Suschetsvuet and this form of banners, as automated banners which sends the user to the advertised site already and if he only put things on it with the mouse. This is very beneficial for those who post the banner, but extremely pleasant to the visitor that redirects to another site, regardless of his wishes. There are also some of the traditional sizes of banners: banner size is 468×60, 120×60, 100×100 and 88×31 pixels. Other sizes of banners are much less common, but it is very important that the weight of the banner average no more than ten kilobytes.

While using the format flash stick to the limits in the amount of fairly easy. The main index, which measures the effectiveness of banner advertising – the so-called index CTR (Click-Through Rate – the level of CTR), which represents the response banner. For example, if the index CTR = 0,05, then it means that the banner of 100 hits pressed five times. Naturally, such a CTR is quite rare. The average value of the response banner – this is 2-3%. For what purposes are now using a banner? First, create a positive company image in the eyes of customers. Second, the spectacular representation of the product or service. Thirdly, of course, attracting new visitors to the site, ie potential customers. To summarize, we note that the banner has the same function as the normal multimedia or graphic advertising, banner ads but has a much great potential for the most diverse and creative ideas.

Urban Individualism

Huberman cites the case of a proprietor of slaves of Occidental India who is shocked when seeing the conditions where children work in London (HBERMAN, 192). These masses are seen with apprehension for the high society; it has a constant collection for mechanisms of social control. The English use with success a combination of religious moral and natural laws of iluminista inspiration that stimulate the resignation; but the great hunger of the decade of 1880 goes to make with that diligent native of London if organize to make strikes claims (BRESCIANI, 106). Pete Cashmore follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In France, however, the imaginary one of the favored classrooms less has an inheritance of identity while people and resource to the violence to promote changes politics; the fear of the revolutionary days and the agitations of 1830 and 1848 will bring as reaction the organization of a strong police apparatus to restrain manifestations (they idem, 120). The strategies of social control are also subject of the chapter of Richard Sennet, Urban Individualism; in the second half of century XIX the urban space of the great cities passes for reforms that privilege the speed of movement of people and merchandises and the social control; the poor persons gradually are removed of the areas central offices of the cities. Sennet still sees the collective culture of the field to be substituted in the cities for a valuation of the individuality; this environment of isolation and indifference for the other people’s destination functions as factor of social balance and obstacle to the mobilization (SENNET, 264). It seems contradictory that the same social classroom that led one of the processes transforming of the Humanity adopted at the same time a behavior code extremely conservative; the bourgeois moral is impregnated of an obsession for the self-control; a repressive moral that makes with that the individual is tormented by the autocensura (GAY, 10). .