Healthbridge Insider Revolutionize
New movement in the health care industry Berlin undisputed it’s time for innovative changes in (almost) all aspects of the issue of human resources in the health care industry. The consequences of the lack of human resources are serious and well-known: lack of transparency for patients, lack of personnel and time resources in the hospital, stress and strain on the staff. Out of this experience, a group of doctors, economists, care professionals and other health professions have founded the company of Healthbridge. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Pete Cashmore. With many years of experience in the personal sector and the aim to establish sustainability and stability in personnel consulting in the medical field, as standard, this initiative offers innovative concepts and sustainable solutions in the area of recruitment, retention and development. The latter are reflected in the offered solutions and concepts for the optimization of our education, and training. These come frequently too short at times of understaffed hospitals and increasing numbers of patients. “Were young interns previously much of the old Wizard and experienced caregivers learn so our colleagues report today that nobody experienced to interviewing is often there or lack of time, knowledge,”says Guido Diehl, founder and Managing Director of the company of Healthbridge. To read more click here: Pete Cashmore.
Not only the profession of the doctor has lost this massively attractive. Media almost unnoticed, the situation for the highly trained nurses is now as striking. Healthbridge suggests not only a bridge between the potential new employee and the subsequent employer, but overcomes even the delta between the needs of dedicated staff and lived reality in hospitals due to the political and economic framework conditions. Transparency is one of the basic principles of the young company. Are the teams, clients and candidates available at three locations (Wiesbaden, Hamburg, Berlin) and define your own rules for a future-oriented personnel work: anonymous “Profiles, unsolicited mailings and insuffizientes matching methods that are in a serious and sustained recruitment not timely and in sensitive areas such as the medicine is simply out of place are!” (Diehl). Fortunately, there are many highly educated professionals in medicine and research, maintained under sometimes difficult conditions, one of the world’s safest and most effective health systems in Germany. Unfortunately, this system is not efficient and it’s often not healthy to work.