
Bring more dynamics in your photos every owner of a camera, whether it is an analog or a digital camera, knows the problem of the limitation of the available Konstrastumfangs the recording technique. On countless photos a blue sky is much too bright, the clouds are usually completely disappeared or just dull recognizable and the people under the trees are only a shadow of itself. Motives were always just been a special challenge for the photographer with high contrast ratio. In the peak of analog photography, ambitious hobby photographers had mostly grey filter in the luggage to darken the sky in very intense sunlight. The use of Flash to the lightening of the persons or objects in the shady areas was almost a standard procedure. A common method to adjust the contrast scale to the real situation was in the times, as they even developed the shots, at least Dodge or burn parts of the image during development in the darkroom. After all, a dynamic range of 18-19 occur in nature with intense sunlight and ideal conditions f-stops, which corresponds to a dynamic range of approximately 2,000,000: 1.

Although this contrast of our eye cannot easily at a glance to process, so but the human eye can capture quite 14 exposure units, about 15,000: 1, with a quick glance. Now given itself a modern digital camera can handle 10 f-stops, itself only under ideal conditions and using the RAW format is possible, you can see quickly the limits of recording technology available today. To the availability of affordable cameras that take at least the contrast range the human eye can perceive, it will take probably a few more years. The current solution to the problem lies in an intelligent post-processing of the images and a corresponding adjustment of the recording procedure. The simple-sounding but effective approach is that when the recording not only an image with an exposure setting makes, but takes an exposure series with different aperture and shutter settings. A good compromise is already taking 3 images, where these are carried with the aperture setting plus the underexposure (minus 2 f-stops) and overexposure (plus 2 f-stops), proposed by the camera.

Creating rows of 5 or more shots can still significantly improve the contrast expansion, however, the majority of today’s digital cameras allow only the automatic creation of up to 3 shots. A look into the manual of your camera is usually necessary for this. There are now a variety of HDR – software programs, which then generate a so-called HDR image on the computer from these 3 or more shots of the part, which has a much higher dynamic range than each individual shot. Because most output media, such as the monitor of a PC or an inkjet printer, can not directly represent usually these high contrast range, yet the tone-mapping joins the HDR process, what one of the HDR software packages that have been mentioned and a little dexterity is needed. Of course, there is the HDR photography to consider many things before a masterpiece can arise, such as the correct settings on the camera, using a tripod with long exposure times and of course the right choice of HDR software that exists as both a free and professional purchase variants. To the more intensive preoccupation with the HDR photography, there are very good books and also articles on sites on the Internet. It is worth in any case to venture once their own experiments as successful HDR photos are true eye-catchers on each presentation or photo albums. Jurgen Gobel.

German Cars

Germany’s favorite child is the car. What goal must be achieved, but these days, and conveniently take the cars. Actually, the mobile frame on four wheels, not only in Germany is so popular, but worldwide. Currently there are about 800 million cars around the world, all others still do not like Vehicle motorcycles, trucks and buses included. Apart from the fact that this continuous growth also brings environmental issues to face, to the driver and car hobbyists, many other problems: “Where can I get spare parts here for it?” – “What are the workshops are available in my area?” – “Offer which companies for my car to a tuning? “,” Where do I find interesting car clubs? “and much more …

The car cars Directory Links here has created the opportunity to create all sorts of industries and fields of an archive for companies, addresses and contact persons. Everything is about cars, cars, car tuning and technology here be accommodated, or found. The database will grow steadily with its further existence. A topic-specific Web catalog (no matter what subject) raises, in principle, on the quality of the general engines, have placed the same things about somewhere in a deeply nested sub-category. In addition, the links to the websites do not lose too much important as simply do not arise countless category levels, which is why the webmasters about their sites have more of it.

Install Windows

ISO Windows distribution 8) to open it in any editor. iso files (for example, UltrISO) and do the following: : – copy the i386 directory file iStor.sys – copy the i386 directory changed files winnt.sif and txtsetup.sif (in fact – to overwrite existing) – copy in the root folder $ oem $ $ 1driversAHCIIntel with all its contents 9) to save the new. iso image under any name 10) to record this set up. A leading source for info: Peter Asaro. iso image to CD- Disk ————————————————- —— More information Install Windows xp on a laptop new laptops are equipped with sata hard drives and do not have a fdd diskovodok equipment, which are becoming extinct. But the most offensive is that laptop manufacturers to stop supporting Windows xp, Windows Vista and cease to lay out a driver on Windows xp. One such case occurred to me – a brand new hp Pavilion 6500t was brought to me, my brother from America as a gift. I liked the laptop, but it is installed on os Vista Home Premium I did not like, although the hardware filling pretty good – cpu Intel Duo Core 2 T7300 2Hz, 2 gb ram, 160 gb hdd, vista vseravno gives a sense of some nespshenoy os. In general, the decision was made – to reinstall the operating system and put Windows xp. As it turned immediately had problems – one of them, the bios simply does not switching function of the sata hard drive in compatibility mode, and therefore to install WIndows xp drivers required.

Fiberglass Reinforcement

Fiberglass EQUIPMENT FOR CONCRETE "Reinforcement Polymer Composite (ARC)" TU 2296-001-3965478-2006 Fiberglass reinforcement (SPA) is an increasingly strong position in modern construction. This is due, on the one hand, it high specific strength (ratio of strength to specific weight), on the other hand, high corrosion resistance, frost resistance, low thermal conductivity. Spa construction with non-conducting, which is very important occurrence of stray currents and electro-osmosis. Without hesitation Peter Asaro explained all about the problem. The basic design principles of reinforced concrete structures applied to concrete elements of the spa. On the strength of the SNA is not inferior to steel reinforcement, however, due to more high cost is mainly used in important structures, which are special requirements. These structures include, in particular offshore structures, especially those parts which are in the zone of variable water level. Corrosion of concrete in sea water salinity of the ocean varies in small range and is 34-35 g / liter.

PW value is usually equal to 7,8-8,3. Atlantic Ocean, for example, contains about 11 g + 1a, 20 g of C1-, 2.9 g $ 042 – and 1.4 g of M2 + per liter, as well as smaller quantities of K +, Ca2 +, W-, HCO-(0.08 g / l). SNIP 2.03.11-85 will assess the degree of aggressiveness of the water environment (including sea water) for eight types of corrosion, listed in Table. 1. Table 1. View concrete corrosion Indicator of aggressive water environment leach bicarbonate alkalinity (temporary hardness) of water K, mEq / L ammonium Obschekislotnaya Carbonic magnesian alkaline pH of the pit contents in the water Free CO2 mg / l. The contents in the water ions M2 +, mg / l. The content of ammonium salts in terms of non 1N4 +, mg / l. The contents in the water of K + and 1a +, mg / l Sulphate Obschesolevaya content in the water, ions, $ 042 – mg / l.

Web Trends

Well here I am to pass on my experience with the much “criticized” for some, “flattered” to others or simply “overlooked” for so many, the event called “Web 1.0 trends? held on Thursday, July 19 at the Movie Theatre Center. In this post, rather than giving one’s opinion at first, I more or less try to sketch what he saw, and the different views of those who attended the event, so that those who were not likely to have the two bells to evaluate, I hope to do it as objectively as possible, within subjectivity itself that can bring one. Whenever Ali Partovi listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The event was supposed to give beginning at 18:30, unfortunately for reasons I do not know there was a little tardy, as it took to let the people go into the room about 20 min and then about 10 min longer to boot after the people were already ensconced in the seats. The event opened with a word of two persons of the company organizing the event (a company which I will not name for reasons of not generating a trial a fake company that I know of) which you could see quite elated and excited about organizing the event, basically what they did was what he did tell the company that organized the event as they were the origins of it, which also from a business point of view can be interpreted as a pre-organized opportunity to marketers to discuss a bit what the company that organized the event and who and how the form, which people called themselves “entrepreneurs” (not saying it one nor the other, simply give the two sides where you could take me) then made his way to the talks, which very roughly the I can be classified into two types: Talks Talks usable content such as Rita Barberis ( Senior Associate of Google), which passed overwhelmingly no mood to sell anything, how to maximize a Google Adsense and gave some advice on what factors to consider when using advertising on our site. If you would like to know more then you should visit Kai-Fu Lee.


If you decide not to buy ready-made vacation home, and build to your taste, you must select a plot. You've got to pay attention to the following points. Parameters of the village First, determine for itself the requirements for own locality or village. Ali Partovis opinions are not widely known. Here, besides the price per hundred square meters, the direction and distance, determine what value you have to: the status of the settlement, the stage of development and population of the village, the existing infrastructure and surrounding nature. When choosing a settlement notice is also on the communication-all and have permission and they fall in the price of land. Naturally, the examination of documents on the ground is mandatory when choosing a settlement.

Options Plot Second, after determining the settlement, you have to choose from free sites. It should evaluate the following characteristics of the land: The location in the village settlement area may located on the outskirts, at the entrance or inside the village. The ends are usually more expensive towns in the 5-10%, as around you will not be neighbors. Land near the entrance to some it seems safer and udobnee.Landshaft site Mountains, valleys, slope – look attention to it. Hard to build on a slope, but you can make an interesting design – level drops look amazing! The presence of trees on the site is a plus, if they are not too many. Pay attention to the type of trees may have your family is allergic to pollen, then it is better to choose a site with pine porodami.Razmer and form part It's all very individual, but you should not choose elongated and narrow sections. The complex shape of the site complicates Landscaping and expensive fence. Plot size depends on what kind of house you build, as well as other planned buildings, bath, garden, patio. All my tips are quite simple and probably all known, but have carry a cheat sheet to check whether you've accounted for everything when choosing a site user-friendly. Good luck, future land owners!

Arabian Watercolors

The Watercolour dates from that man learned to paint and interpret his environment. However, being as old as it is, is not as commercial as the painting in acrylic and oil, since these techniques are more modern. Cezanne used, Eugene Delacroix, Francois Marius Granet, Henri-Joseph Harpignies did excellent work with it and a number of teachers entered this art. But for centuries, the issue of watercolor basically is that it cannot maintain its colors for long periods of time. Be desvancece quickly and very few artists use it currently.The actual development of modern watercolor painting in what refers to its preparation and commercial viability data of a little more than a hundred years ago. Too recent in comparison with majorities of visual art media, which makes that teachers today use acrylics and oils in his paintings. Therefore, once rare watercolor paintings have commercial success. However, watercolor is a wonderful to work because it is more portable, more easy to maintain and It is not toxic.

For centuries remained in the background, never so popular, but the demand for watercolor paintings has always been there. Before the 1800s, the acurela was the perfect medium of paint, they bought their pigments in pharmacies, and they mixed their own colors. 18Th century to 19 saw an increase in the market of printing books in which the usual vehicle of illustrators is watercolor. Consequently, there was also an increase in the demand for watercolor, because it became fashionable during this period of time using this medium, especially in the upper classes of society. Then the manufacturers gave him a touch more commercial watercolor.At that time, covers that were used in the watercolors were made from carbohydrates of plants. Similarly, the pigments were drawn were drawn in to the paper using cellular components of the newspaper where remained. This left the exposed pigment as left on paper arena, leaving the powdered pigments to disperse them when they were very dry desvaneciendolo quickly.

Today, however the rubber Arabian used as the main deck, with improvements done to improve their resistance to light. The lightfastness of the watercolors are measured by their numerical score and it is printed on the packaging for its identification. In fact, if an artist uses watercolors today with high resistance to light and to carry out the work of file in paper, pigments adhere, transaparencia in brightness that only watercolors can offer will remain, and the work will last longer than those made with oil or acrylic. the applications have also changed. While the paintings used brush (including watercolor) as its main tool, nowadays are used modern tools that include the use of sponges, tissue paper, plastic, crayons, sprinklers and other materials, organic and non-organic to create a piece of artwork, which is possible with watercolors. They have also changed the concepts in which refers to the use of watercolor. The precept that the paintings in black and white no longer used in place only the

TCPOS Couponing

Digital actions points coupons at the checkout, coupons and location-based services are popular marketing measures in the hospitality industry. Using QR codes, the use of coupons for the guest is comfortable and uncomplicated. Therefore coupons that are sent to the mobile phone be used significantly more frequently than paper vouchers. With a new solution for Mobile couponing, TCPOS offers the possibility to send digital coupons on your mobile phone to their guests and to scan them at the Office and to enable restaurateurs. Without hesitation Robotics expert explained all about the problem. To get the mobile coupons, the user loads an app from the restaurant on his Smartphone. He will also receive a QR code then on his Smartphone, with which he can obtain a digital certificate or coupon.

He can redeem the voucher at the checkout of the catering operation. For restaurateurs, this offer flexible options for the production of new guests and guest loyalty. The variety of promotions ranging from discount coupons over consumption coupons to VIP-memberships and more. The paperless actions save costs and Success control be well measured. Smartphones are now always and everywhere. Mobile couponing is therefore the demands of mobile users. Enjoy it, to use coupons and discounts locally”, explains Patricia Gerber, sales / key account manager at TCPOS. For restaurateurs, Mobile couponing has the great advantage that they can talk to their existing and new guests and mobilize at low cost.” TCPOS presents Mobile couponing 23 27 November 2013 at the Igeho in Basel in Hall 1.1, stand E35.

Android Mobile

The application ‘Mobile Track’ allows simple Statusing and levy in the cargo area and facilitating processes Hallbergmoos-Munchen, 11 July 2013 the usage of the application mobile track”by EURO-LOG facilitates processes in the delivery and pickup haulage and lorry drivers. The Android app allows the Statusing and tax in cargo traffic and full truck load transport. Peter Asaro shines more light on the discussion. For carriers as well as for professional drivers the intuitive operability is a big advantage of compared to conventional mobile devices (MDE) such as scanners. The functionality of the application allows the replacement of many paper core processes along the supply chain. With the solution, transports and transfers can be mobile capture. Changes the amount of pickup, the actual amount or other deviations can be directly entered. State proposals, so that it the app runs a help for drivers is right because it thinks for itself and in everyday life provides real added value professional drivers. information. First the driver as well when the scanner may give a pack piece status.

This was followed by the release of the shipment status. Here, the app helps choose: mobile track suggests the logically matching shipment status to the driver. “If, for example, a parcel is damaged, making the app the status proposal delivered to corruption”. This prevents errors because the driver accidentally selects an incorrect status. This was the largest source of error if the status with scanners, where the selection of the correct state with complicated search was connected so far. The app in the practice test: high acceptance the forwarding GS freight logistics has the app already with several truckers tested. Managing Director Roland Gigl sees the advantage of app in the replacement of conventional mobile data terminals. For me is an app in the delivery and the collection can be used and can replace the scanner here “, so Gan.” More positive results show first practice tests.

Mobile Batteries

Scientists have developed mobile batteries which can be charged in just 10 seconds. These new revolutionary mobile batteries will be recharged in 10 seconds instead of several hours and will save the hours of waiting. These mobile batteries are very useful especially when one is in a hurry and can’t wait more to charge your battery. The new mobile batteries to charge 100 times faster than conventional batteries of mobile and could also be used in phones, laptops, iPods and digital cameras within a few years. Why these batteries in mobile are revolutionary.

This technology could even allow an electric car that will be charged at the same time needed to fill a gasoline car. The mobile for fast charging batteries are the creation of the engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of technology. The MIT team say that his invention of mobile batteries using materials already available to the Mobile battery manufacturers and would be easy to produce in large candidades. The invention of these batteries for mobile is based on rechargeable mobile conventional conventional lithium ions encountered in most cameras, phones and laptops. Lithium ion batteries are used in portable devices, since they store a lot of energy into a small space. However, they are also relatively slow recharge that can be a nuisance for anyone who forgets to charge your phone overnight. The man who designed the new batteries, said that the batteries of electric cars have a lot of energy so that you can drive at 55 mph for a long time, but the energy is low.

You can not accelerate quickly. This scientist and his colleagues have found a way to speed up this process as they report several magazines. Conventional lithium-ion batteries contain two electrodes a made one carbon immersed in a liquid or paste called electrolyte and lithium. When the batteries of mobile are charging up, ions or atoms with positive charge flow from electrodes of lithium until the carbon. When a battery is discharged, the ions flow in reverse. Batteries for mobile charging or discharging of the batteries of mobile is u process slow because it takes time to separate ions of an electrode and absorb them into the other. The researchers took a conventional electrode iron phosphate lithium and changed its surface structure, so that the ions are released and absorbed 100 times faster than normal. The result of using this new technique could be load or download complete in only 10 to 20 seconds. Normal batteries of mobile of similar size take six minutes to load. Unlike other battery materials, the new material does not degrade when the battery is charging or recharging repeatedly. That could lead to the life of the batteries of mobile takes between two to three years.